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    Strategies for Savoring the Sacred

    This is your only life! Are you savoring it?

    The word "ritual" sounds more meaningful than the word "strategy." Rituals are taken more seriously and have a connotation of sacredness. Your life is sacred, and there's more that you could be doing to get the most out of your life! There are many actions you can take that mean little when only done occasionally, like brushing your teeth. But when done daily with a sense and respect for the sacredness of each moment can become your rituals for savoring.

    Rituals are a great way to ensure that those tasks that require daily execution are done faithfully.

    Adding a few rituals to your set of daily routines can remind you to savor the sacred:

    1.Review your goals each day. It's not enough to write down your goals. It's necessary to review them at least once each day. You can keep your goals next to your bed and review them when you first wake up or at bedtime. Never forget about your goals again by reviewing them daily. Such a regular review allows you to celebrate accomplishments and dream new dreams.

    2.Exercise for 30 minutes. A brisk walk can be enough. Regular exercise enhances your physical and emotional health. You'll also look and feel better. Find a type of exercise that you enjoy. Consider joining a health club. I am the last person in the world who would ever get hooked on regular exercise. I did it sporadically. About a year and a half ago, I joined a senior wellness center and I faithfully attend 3 times a week for a workout that takes about 45 minutes. When I miss it, everything suffers. When I go regularly, life is better.

    3.Read. Everything you'll ever need to know is written in a book somewhere. Drop 30 minutes of TV and add 30 minutes of reading. The amount of knowledge you can gain over the course of a lifetime is staggering. I was not a fan of ebooks until recent years. While holding a tablet in my hands will never compete with cradling a favorite book, my Kindle app gets used regularly and I am reading more than ever. I also have a 5.5 in. cell phone which allows me to read from my app easily and conveniently.

    4.Meditate. Meditation is a wonderful way to relieve stress and learn how to focus. You'll be a more capable version of yourself if you add a short meditation session to your daily routine. I have read and considered a lot about meditation. It doesn't have to be complex or weird. It can simply be a time of deep breathing, or other focused attention. One of my favorite ways is to look at an object and really look at it for a few minutes while breathing deeply. It can be a photo, a flower, or, frankly, a spot on the wall! Meditation is simply a way of quieting your brain.

    5.Drink water. Lots of it. Often when I am feeling fatigued or simply unfocused, the simple act of drinking a glass of water grounds me. While drinking it, I consider how connected I am to water, being dependent on it for life.

    6.Be grateful. I don't care how messed up your life is, think of something you are grateful for. If your life and relationships are challenging, give thanks for the many opportunities you have for growth. There is always something to be grateful for. If not, you're really missing a lot

    What other rituals could you add? You might want to play a musical instrument or draw each day. If you are a Christian, you already know the importance of setting aside time to pray and read scripture.

    Add rituals to your life slowly. They'll have a better chance of sticking that way.

    Your life is your priority. Give it the attention it deserves by dedicating time each day to the savoring the small things that add peace and depth to your life.

    It's the only one you've got.