Transform Old Shoe Boxes Into Useful Caddies For Your Home

    It's good for your sole.

    What you need:

    *Empty shoe box


    *Glue sticks

    *Hot glue gun

    *Decorative paper or wrapping paper


    Separate the lid of your shoe box from the base of the box. Find the center on the longer side of the shoe box and on make a mark at the base.

    Create a "V" starting from the center point of the base. Make the same marks on the opposite side of the shoe box. Cut the the "V" from both sides.

    Flip the shoe box over and fold the base of the box inward. On the inside of the box draw out your handle in the center on the box.

    Repeat the drawing handle on both sides and carefully cut out the handle. Glue the base of you shoe box together with a hot glue gun. Take the top of your shoe box and align it with your caddy.

    Create markers on the box top, in the areas where your caddy meets the box top. Cut out the box top and repeat it on the other side of the box top.

    Glue the box tops to the side of your caddy to create the sides. Use wrapping paper or decorative paper to decorate your box.

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