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    30 Walmart Products Parents Will Actually Love Using

    Here to help you feel like you've totally got this (which you do).

    1. A diaper bag that isn't like a regular diaper bag, it's a *cool* diaper bag. I honestly had no idea just how long diaper bags are actually used and, in hindsight, I wish mine had been as cute as this one. Plus, this ~baby~ has everything: a changing pad, insulated pockets, a charging port, and a 31-1/2-inch bassinet. Total game changer. You're going to love the versatility of a diaper bag that actually fits your style.

    Women carry the bag and family has a picnic while baby uses the bassinet

    2. A silicone teething necklace for adding a little style to teething. Parenthood can be completely overwhelming and sometimes it feels like everything belongs to the baby. These teethers made me feel cute and like myself but were also safe for my baby to mouth and play with. Parents love that they're BPA-free, durable, and soft enough for delicate gums.

    Baby puts teether in its mouth

    3. A bottle of gentle lotion to help with eczema and dry skin for you, your baby, your big kids, etc. My oldest child has very dry hands and I have a cabinet full of useless lotions. This one takes care of it quickly and I see results overnight. I also used this on my youngest child's eczema and it provided great relief. I find myself using it, too, because it's just that effective.

    Image of the lotion bottle

    4. A high-quality Baby Bjorn bouncer that lives up to the hype. This bouncer doesn't require an infant insert and even converts into a chair for toddlers up to 29 pounds. It stores easily and is a lifesaver for gassy babies who love to bounce. I received this as a gift for my first kid and it was immediately one of my favorite products. I now recommend it to any new parent because it was that valuable to my sanity. My kids are much older now, but it's still stored away because I'm pretty sure I have an emotional attachment to it. It's that good.

    baby sits in bouncer

    5. A Disney Princess Wet Brush taking the tears (and tears!) out of hair brushing. Not only is the design cute — this brush is effective! You'll love saving yourself some fights and time detangling.

    ariel on a brush

    6. And a *magic* detangling and conditioning spray that will save you from long combing sessions and lots of crocodile tears — both yours and your child's. It works wonderfully on all types of hair, smells great, and keeps hair and curls frizz-free.

    Bottle sprays conditioner

    7. A formula mixing pitcher aka an absolute game changer for avoiding gas and getting formula ready ~yesterday.~ You'll love the convenience of making a batch of formula in advance and saving yourself from stress-mixing as your baby loudly judges you for not having food ready NOW.

    Mixer and bottles

    8. And a low-profile bottle warmer and sterilizer to get those bottles ready quickly. Sure, hot water worked 30 years ago, but times have changed and it's time to move into the future where we warm up bottles with this and avoid hangry baby meltdowns.

    Bottle warms in the warmer

    9. A set of full-length bibs because no one has time for more laundry. And *bonus* — it also doubles as an apron for arts, crafts, or whatever messy mischief your little one gets into. Not only are you saving your sanity from all of those loads of laundry, but you're also eventually saving those outfits from that ~oopsie~ with the red paint.

    Images showing baby in the bib and bib fastener

    10. A nursing pillow that clips around you so you don't need to readjust if you stand up. This pillow is the one: it clips, it has a pocket, it's washable, and it's durable. It's adjustable and stays in place, making the surprisingly complicated task of nursing much less cumbersome.

    Woman uses nursing pillow to nurse baby

    11. A bath cushion perfect for sink baths. Pro-tip: sink baths are awesome and often easier than the actual bathtub as you're getting the hang of managing a slippery little. This cushion is a comfy way to ease both you and your baby into bath time!

    Bath cushion in the sink while the water runs

    12. A tried-and-true snot extractor here to save you sleep and trips to the doctor. This tool is easy-to-use and effective, simply put one end in baby's nose and suck the gunk out through the tube. And — the gross reason you'll love it that no one talks about — seeing how much snot you can get out is surprisingly satisfying. Judge me, if you will, but parents know.

    Snot extractor and box

    13. And a pack of hypoallergenic saline wipes for loosening that snot and protecting little noses. These wipes are so helpful and reviewers love how gentle they are.

    Child wipes nose with a wipe

    14. A cradle cap system that helps you remove those oh-so-annoying flakes. Even the most skeptical of users were impressed with how effective it was in removing the most stubborn of cradle cap, and you're sure to get some joy in getting that kissable, soft scalp back to smoothness.

    Cradle cap system

    15. A baby food maker if you're looking for something to take making your own baby food and experimenting with your own flavor combinations from a stressor to a fun and simple process. Plus, this'll save you from the headache and expense of glass jars and pouches.

    Baby food maker with a vegetable inside

    16. A compact potty perfect for littles learning to go on their own. This seat can be moved around the house when you have a youngin' that's also a runner, stores easily in the car for those "gotta go now" emergencies, and helps kids transition to the potty without the horrifying ~toilet flush.~ You'll love that it's splash-proof, easy to clean, and fosters independence.

    Teal potty seat

    17. And this pack of disposable seat covers so those on-the-go potty trips are a little less gross — since toddlers have the tendency to hold on for dear life no matter how nasty the toilet is. These are individually wrapped, extra large to cover areas your child will touch, and have an adhesive strip to make sure they don't slip. Now you can breathe easier when "I gotta go nooooow" means a gas station.

    Dinosaur potty cover on a toilet

    18. A set of dot markers that makes painting clean, creative, and fun! For parents who don't like how messy paint can get, these are an absolute lifesaver.

    Set of dot markers

    19. And a dot marker activity book for working on coordination and motor skills while also having tons of fun. My kids were recently gifted these by their former preschool-teacher grandma and I was shocked at how much use they're actually getting. One of my kids likes to stick to dots, the other likes to Jackson Pollock the page — both ask for them daily.

    Cover of the activity book

    20. An Oral-B kid's battery-powered toothbrush to make brushing time much more fun. Not only does your child get to hang out with Grogu, but these toothbrushes actually work as well. I have tried several brands of kid's toothbrushes and none of them measure up to this one. Get ready for one less fight with brushing!

    Electric toothbrush with Grogu on it

    21. A car seat buckle release tool that will protect your nails *and* your sanity from how surprisingly difficult unbuckling is.

    Adult hands use the tool to unbuckle a child

    22. And a backseat organizer for easy and cohesive access to snacks and toys. Parents love the organization it provides, especially on long road trips!

    Before and after picture of organizer

    23. A magnetic calendar you can set up with your kids for a morning check-in. This calendar comes with magnets for the day, the month, the season, the weather, holidays, and emotional check-ins! It can be fun to work together in the morning and have some intentional time and many parents mention how much they enjoy using the calendar with their kids.

    Children use a calendar

    24. An OK-to-wake clock that not only looks like a cuddly panda but also displays a galaxy scene on the ceiling! OK-to-wake clocks are a visual cue for when it's time to get up for the morning and are a total game changer for helping you get some much-needed sleep — even if your toddler is ready to go. The projector is an added bonus for anyone nostalgic for their glow-in-the-dark stars of yesteryear.

    Panda shaped clock projects a star scene

    25. A set of silicone placemats for easy clean-up after meals. Say goodbye to spaghetti in every crevice of your beautiful table or endlessly scrubbing yogurt off surfaces! These mats wash easily and — since they come in a pack of three — you can serve all meals on them without having to keep doing dishes.

    Child eats with a bowl on the mat

    26. A Bluey reusable sticker pad with five scenes to create over-and-over. Reusable sticker books are awesome because they keep kids occupied and they inspire a lot of creativity. Kids will love the familiar scenes of Bluey's house and parents will love that the stickers don't stick to furniture.

    Front cover of a Bluey sticker book

    27. A bedside shelf and organizer to keep all of the nighttime essentials close. I got my daughter a shelf when she moved to a loft bed and we keep her water bottle, a box of tissues, and a flashlight on it — all things she doesn't have to climb down for in the middle of the night. One less trip into their room to get them a drink of water? Yes, please!

    Shelf and organizer on a bed

    28. A bubble machine that keeps toddlers occupied without you getting woozy from lack of oxygen to the brain. Save yourself the dizziness from all of that blowing, leave it to the professionals, and grab yourself some lemonade for some quality supervising from afar.

    29. A set of sandwich cutters and sealers which also includes shapes for fruit and cheese AND food picks for a fun alternative for a fork. Not only are you getting one less argument about crust, but kids also love the different shapes and the novelty of using a pick over a fork. Don't be surprised if you enjoy a little dino-shaped watermelon while you're at it.

    Sandwich cutters on display with fruit and sandwiches

    30. A set of snack catchers so snacks in the cups and your toddlers don't turn crackers into confetti. As a parent, I love these things and they seriously hold up. My kids are now too old for the lid, but I still use the cups simply because they have a handle.

    Child uses snack container

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