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    30 Walmart Parenting Products Under $30 You'll Regret Not Buying Sooner

    Small price tag, big payoff.

    1. A set of reusable pouches that are easy to use and easy to clean. Reusable pouches are one of the easiest ways to store food for kids. Plus, these pouches have fun designs your littles will love!

    Woman fills pouch

    2. A set of adorable full-sleeved bibs because no one has time (or money) for more laundry. And *bonus* — it also doubles as an apron for arts, crafts, or whatever messy mischief your little one gets into. Not only are you saving on your utility bill from all of those loads of laundry, but you're also eventually saving those outfits from that ~oopsie~ with the red paint.

    Various angles of the bib with long sleeves and the fastener

    3. A freezable lunch bag for keeping food fresh even on long days. While these are great for school lunches, they're also great for packing a variety of snacks for hungry toddlers and babies. Just pop the entire bag in the freezer overnight and pull it out in the morning.

    Lunch bag with a rainbow design

    4. And some notes to go in their lunchbox for some punnier ways to say "I love you."

    Variety of food-themed lunch box notes

    5. A formula mixing pitcher that is an absolute game changer for avoiding gas and getting formula ready like ~yesterday.~ I used one of these for my kids and the clump-free and bubble-free formula made for happy babies.

    Caregiver prepares formula

    6. A reusable sticker book with fun stickers that only attach to the page (over and over!) and not to the dresser, the bed, your coffee table... These books are great for both quiet play at home and for travel.

    Child sticks stickers into a book

    7. A manual breast pump great for collecting extra milk from your letdown. You simply suction it and let it work its magic! Every ounce of that ~liquid gold~ matters and this pump is an awesome way to keep every drop of your milk.

    Milk from the pump being poured into a container

    8. A simple game young kids can play, but is equally fun for adults. This game helps your children build problem-solving skills, is easy to set up, and can be played without much parental supervision. When my kids aren't playing with the game, they're using the spaghetti to play restaurant, which I think is a double win.

    Children play the game

    9. A set of changing pad liners that will turn late-night blowouts into quick clean-ups and get you back to bed ASAP. These changing pad liners go right on top of the cover, are washable, and protect the changing pad cover from stains. If the liner gets soiled, just grab it, put it into the laundry, and place another one right under baby to continue getting the job done.

    Parent plays with baby on changing table

    10. A set of pacifier clips to keep the pacifier from tumbling to the ground when it inevitably falls out of their mouths. These clips make it so easy to pop the pacifier back in when you're out and about without having to keep cleaning it.

    Child uses a pacifier on a clip

    11. A waterproof, foam bed bumper for helping keep your toddler from falling out during that tricky big kid bed transition — especially if you skip the toddler bed. Bumpers are easier than bed rails when making the bed, are soft, and slip right under the bedsheet. No more worrying about an accidental fall in the middle of the night!

    Child sleeps with bed bumper

    12. A water bottle — it's the golden trifecta: easy to use, easy to clean, AND prevents leaks. Plus, the super fun designs will have littles begging if they can have more water.

    Dinosaur drinking cup

    13. A potty seat that's actually comfortable to sit on and easy enough for a toddler to use. Unlike the cushion seats, this seat is just one piece so there is no place for anything to dig into your child's legs. It's easy to place on the toilet, discreet, and comfortable for long waits during potty training.

    Child picking up potty seat

    14. A self-contained, garden-themed sensory bin for hours of creative fun. Along with rocks, bugs, and flowers, your child will love the feel of the sensory sand and tools to create garden scenes. And when they're finished, just pop the lid on and store it without hassle.

    Child plays with garden sensory bin

    15. A starter set of magnetic tiles — they store easily and are extremely versatile. Magnetic tiles are great for creative play and are significantly less bulky than traditional blocks. Kids love these pretty universally and the magnets mean they can be played with in more places! Refrigerator space? Magnetic tiles. A metal garage door? Magnetic tiles. Really anything metal? You guessed it — tiles.

    Child plays with magnetic tiles

    16. An adorable hair accessory organizer to save yourself from an explosion of bows every time you open a drawer. It also includes space to hang headbands, which is a major bonus compared to other organizers.

    Bow holder hangs in a nursery

    17. A magnetic responsibility chart you'll love because it's customizable based on whatever your kiddo is ready to start doing. From loading the dishwasher to simply saying "please" and "thank you," this chart can grow with your child and your family.

    Children put magnets on the chart

    18. A set of silicone placemats for catching the spills and messes that are bound to happen. These placemats are grippy to help keep them and any bowls in place, are dishwasher safe, and can be used over and over. Since it comes in a two-pack, you can also throw one in the diaper bag to pull out at restaurants, giving your toddler a clean place to get their food anywhere and everywhere, as they do.

    Parent feeds a child using a place mat

    19. A hanging diaper organizer that keeps all of those diaper-changing essentials close at hand. There is nothing worse than struggling to get what you need in the middle of a night change. You can also keep spare pacifiers and toys to keep that wiggly baby occupied to make the job as easy as possible.

    Parent changes baby with organizer on the changing table

    20. A pair of sturdy toy hammocks designed to control the chaos of all of those stuffies. These hammocks keep the toys handy, but also contained for the next time grandma stops by with a "but I couldn't resist!"

    Stuffed animals are stored in a hammock in a room

    21. An easy-to-use, no-touch thermometer for getting a temperature read quickly. I have struggled through trying to drag a thermometer across a forehead and getting an error message and even trying to get a wiggly toddler to get an oral reading. Give me this thermometer over literally any other method. It even has a silent mode so you can sneak in and ease your own middle-of-the-night worries without interrupting your sick kiddo's precious sleep.

    Sleeping child getting their temperature reading

    22. A pair of seat-back organizers that help keep your car organized and kid-friendly. They even include a pouch to keep a tablet for those long car rides! Toys and snacks not rolling under the seat and into the abyss? Sign me up.

    Set of organizers on the back of seats

    23. A portable sound machine you can throw into the diaper bag and take anywhere. I love the versatility of portable machines and used one exclusively with my first kid. It was so easy to pack with the portable crib or to grab if she needed soothing. Enter the freedom to more easily nap anywhere!

    Sound machine hangs on a door handle

    24. A set of silicone bibs with a VERY essential food pocket. These bibs wipe quickly and catch food so much better than your baby's lap. You'll love less mess, and, speaking from experience, your kids will love digging into the bib for all of the mac and cheese they missed. Ah, toddlers.

    Toddler eats while wearing bib

    25. A comprehensive baby-proofing kit that will have all of your bases covered when your sweet little angel manically heads straight for the oh-so-irresistible electrical outlet. This set includes door handle covers, outlet covers, cabinet locks, and peace of mind for you.

    26. A dishwasher-safe basket for cleaning bottles so you don't have to. Most bottles come with a surprising amount of parts to clean and popping them in the dishwasher will save so much time and energy. I live for time savers.

    Bottle basket sits on a counter

    27. A set of books complete with a screen-free pad that reads the stories for them. These books star familiar characters, include eight original stories, and the pad is easy to use for most toddlers. Your kids get some independent reading time and you get some much-needed YOU time. Reviewers love how kids go back to the books over and over and get some autonomy with what they read. A win for everyone!

    Box for story books

    28. An automatic soap dispenser to help make hand washing significantly less of a hassle. My kids couldn't pump their own soap for a while and this dispenser saves those growing hands tons of frustration and you the extra trip to the sink to help pump the soap. Plus, it's waterproof so you can rinse any extra soap buildup off quickly and easily.

    Dinosaur soap dispenser

    29. A car seat buckle release tool that will protect your nails *and* your sanity from how surprisingly difficult unbuckling is. If you're a parent, you know.

    Woman uses the tool to unbuckle a child

    30. A versatile doctor kit with plenty of accessories so they can run their very own make-believe clinic. Part of the joy of parenthood is getting questionable exams from littles and this doctor kit is sure to bring some very sweet playtime memories for you and them. This set has kids covered with everything from a stethoscope to wound care to ear exam utensils. Your small doc will have you ship-shape and on your way in no time!

    Child uses a doctor kit

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