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Tell Us Your Wildest Spring Break Story, Whether It Happened On Vacation Or In Your Own Hometown

We want to know what went down.

It's spring break season, which means people across the U.S. are taking time off from school (and work!) to go on a mini vacation with their friends, family, or even by themselves.

And since we know some spring break vacations are a little more out-of-the-box than some, we want to know: What is the wildest spring break experience you've ever been a part of?

For instance, were you ever a part of those famous MTV spring break TV shows and have an inside scoop of what actually went down for you and your friends during filming?

Or maybe the spring break story you have involves an airline passenger who got a little too excited for their own spring break trip on the flight there while you and your family were going somewhere together — and things got awkward.

Or finally, maybe you decided to take a solo spring break staycation — and you weren't planning on meeting anybody; however, you ended up having one of the wildest hookup experiences ever that you still think about to this day.

If you have a wild spring break story that you need to confess to us ASAP, tell us in the comments below or fill out this Google form here.