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Tell Us Which Beauty Tip Or Trick Your Abuela And/or Latina Mom Taught You That You Still Do Today

Whether it has to do with skincare, makeup, or DIY, we want to know all the beauty lessons.

If you identify as Latinx, you might've seen your abuela and/or mamá doing their skincare and makeup routine.

And if that was the case, they might've passed down some of their go-to beauty tips or tricks to you for you to try on your own.

A mom and a daughter hugging each other

And since it's never a bad time to celebrate Latinx individuals, we want to know: What are some of the best beauty tips and tricks your abuela and/or mamá ever taught you?

A woman applying skincare products to her face in the living room

Maybe your mom curled her hair a certain way to get perfect bountiful curls that lasted all day — and the technique required no heat!

Or maybe your abuela found a way to line her lips with lipstick that prevented it from bleeding around her mouth. Or possibly, she lived and breathed by a certain skincare routine. (For example, my grandma loved Clinique beauty products and did her routine every day and night.)

Or finally, maybe your mom used a particular beauty product on her nails to make the polish last for weeks.

Also, along with the beauty trick, have you tried to do it on yourself and/or do you continue to use this beauty trick today? Or does your abuela or mamá live by a certain beauty lesson that you love?

If this resonates with you, we would love to know your abuela and/or your mom's go-to beauty tip or trick. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please fill out this Google form here.

Some of the responses will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.