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Therapists, Tell Us The Greatest Thing Your Own Therapist Told You That Completely Changed Your Perspective

Whether it has to do with boundaries, romantic relationships, or your own diagnoses, we want to hear about it.

If you've ever been to therapy or know someone who has, you may have an idea of how beneficial it can be for one's mental health.

However, just like regular people, therapists have their *own* therapists as well to help them through their own mental health journeys.

And since it's never a bad idea to get as much advice from therapists about mental health as possible, we want therapists who went or are currently going to therapy to share the most helpful thing they learned from their own therapists.

For instance, maybe your therapist told you something about boundaries when it came to your family that really stuck with you.

Or maybe a therapist helped you realize how a toxic relationship was affecting you more than you realized.

Finally, perhaps a psychologist gave you a hard truth when it came to your self-esteem and how you connect with others. And while it was hard to hear, it did completely changed your perspective.

So if you're a therapist, tell us below what was the greatest thing you learned from your own therapist below. However, if you prefer to stay anonymous, you can fill out this Google form here.