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    "It Can Happen In A Fraction Of A Second": People Are Sharing Subtle Personality Traits Or Habits That Can Indicate Someone Is Actually A Bad Person

    "To me, it shows a total disregard for the world and everyone (and everything) else that exists here."

    Sometimes, when you meet someone, you may notice a tiny little sign that they may not be as kind as they appear. So when Reddit user u/TheNaughtywoman asked: "What are signs that a person is horrible deep down?" thousands of people chimed in with thoughts. Here's what they had to say below:

    1. "They take advantage of people who avoid conflict or can't stand up for themselves."

    a man crying during a fight

    2. "They lie constantly, never take accountability, and think it’s funny or turn it into jokes."


    "Recently, there's been some drama between my mom and my aunt where my aunt basically accused my mom of lying about what the doctor said about grandma (who has been in the hospital).

    Now, that would be a ludicrous thing to lie about, and my aunt's accusation has revealed to me that she would absolutely lie about that.

    My mind was blown. She thinks people lie aggressively about anything and everything because that's what she does."


    3. "They can't celebrate others' success and try to belittle it."

    a friend looking at another friend with jealously

    4. "A lack of regard for any problems beyond those they are suffering themselves. Someone I know seemed emotionally vulnerable and deeply sensitive, but after years, it became apparent that only his own problems mattered to him… He’d dismiss anyone else’s struggles in an instant. He truly crossed the line when he casually dismissed his friend’s legitimate suicide attempt because he felt it paled in comparison to his own recent breakup (of a month-long relationship). I don’t understand how anyone who claims to go through so much suffering cannot empathize with those with similar or worse struggles. It feels so horrible to treat suffering as a ‘dick measuring contest’ where you get jealous and dismissive of somebody who has it worse than you."


    5. "Everything is someone's fault, but that someone is never/almost never them."

    a friend yelling at another friend

    6. "People who tell you their children don't talk to them and they have no idea why. I don't doubt that some children can be crappy, but the majority of the time, you're speaking to a child abuser. But none of you are ready for this conversation."


    "This is correct. I stopped talking to my father two years ago, and I 100% know for a fact that he's told people I'm 'trying to find myself' and he's 'giving me space' when I've specifically told him it's him and always been him, and I'm done. He's a real piece of work."


    7. "Cruelty to animals."

    a puppy playing with leash

    8. "They test you to see what they can get away with. They can be overly friendly and a little too charming, but every once in a while, you’ll glimpse the contempt they actually harbor toward you. It can just be a fraction of a second, or you’ll catch them glaring at you when they think you can’t see, but it will be there."


    9. "When people use insult humor too much, to the point where it stops being fun and their passive-aggressive contempt becomes apparent."

    a man looking at a person in a weird way

    10. "You have to fight to get one sentence out, then they disregard everything you say/feel and brush it all off. Then you do the same to them because you’ve had enough of giving what you don’t receive and they become angry. Lol."


    11. "They talk about themselves a lot and how a lot of people like them."

    a person taking selfie

    12. "They are always the victim and everyone is out to get them or jealous of them."


    13. "This might sound a bit nuts, but: littering. To me, it shows a total disregard for the world and everyone (and everything) else that exists here."

    a person littering

    14. "If you open up to them about something vulnerable about yourself, they see it as a weakness, lose respect for you, and later use whatever you tell them as ammo against you."


    15. "[Sharing about their 'charitable' nature.] My date tipped a waitress, and he was upset that she didn’t visibly see him tipping her, to which I said, 'Well, she will get the money, and she’ll be happy at the end of the day, so what does it matter,' and he sarcastically goes, 'Well, we all can’t be GOOD people like you.' Ummmm. Okay then."

    a person putting their credit card down

    16. "Listen to the stories they tell. If their favorite stories are about times when they did something dumb, misunderstood something, made a mistake, or they were the butt of the joke, that's a good person. If their favorite stories are about someone else being the idiot (usually everyone else being idiots), then that's an asshole."


    17. "When people are rude to waiters/bar staff/retail workers. People who don't pick up after their dogs — I question their judgment and sense of community."

    a retail worker smiling

    Is there a particular sign that indicates someone is horrible deep down? If so, tell us what it is and why in the comments below!