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Queen Obama?

After moving on from patient dumping for a Chicago hospital, Michelle now requires more than twenty attendants to help pick out the White House china? During the Great Recession? Wasn't this the one who once said, "In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country..?" My, how things change when spending other people's money.

red 14 years ago

Way to Keep It Classy, Arianna!

After disgracing itself at the fake press conference last month with Obama acting as willing accomplice, the Huffington Post reminds us that it still is a classy operation with this dandy of a post.

red 14 years ago

Obama's Travelgate - Both Barack and Michelle Have Some 'splainin to Do.

Not to be outdone by Alberto Gonzales and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Obamas run into the politically-motivated-firing fray. What do you do when an agency you were counting on to manipulate for a legacy turns out to be full of frauds? Shoot the messenger and hope the media keeps covering for you.

red 14 years ago

Rev. Wrong Has an Impeccable Sense of Timing.

Obama's 20 year spiritual mentor picks wrong week to remind us that he hates Jews. Ever wonder what attracted Michelle and Barack to this guy in the first place?

red 14 years ago

Check Out the Salaries of the CA Bureaucrats That Want YOU to Bail THEM Out.

“Special Nurse:” $350,000+ Municipal railway manager: $325,000+ “Administrative services” department head: $280,000+ And no, the figures do not include pensions and benefits. And they want you to bail them out?

red 14 years ago

Pelosi Waffle House

Jon Stewart's take on Pelosi's interrogation flip-floppery: "We have “basically gone from ‘I definitely was not told’ to ‘I was told but they used an auxiliary verb with a slightly more passive mood.'”

red 14 years ago

AlGore 1984

Al Gore wants to create his own green "1984." This new ad depicts a heroine wearing a man-bear-pig shirt hurling a sledgehammer at the eco-tax-and-spenders. Watch and spread the word.

red 14 years ago

Newt Rips AlGore's 'Facts' To Pieces

Kinda funny how pesky little facts keep undermining AlGore's plans to further enrich his $100 million "green" treasure chest he has scored so far while profiteering from his apocalyptic fear mongering. After tearing apart the "solutions" put forth by the Goreacle and his Democrat cohorts--shown here--Newt lays out his plan for American energy independence.

red 14 years ago

If Pelosi Wieghs the Same As a Duck, She is a Torturer!

While the standards of justice and the law are still in flux since the One took office in January, it is difficult to figure out how to handle Speaker Pelosi. Truth commission? Prosecution? Censure? Given their gaffetastic track record so far, the discussion at the DOJ is probably going something like: I guess it depends on whether she floats or not when you throw her in water. How do you tell whether she is made of wood? Build a bridge out of her! But can you not also build bridges out of stone? What else floats in water? A DUCK! So if she weighs the same as a duck, she is made of wood, and therefore. . .SHE IS A TORTURER!!! We shall use my larger scales!

red 15 years ago

History Lesson Jon Stewart Missed in School.

He done got schooled. In case you missed it, here is a play by play example of why Jon Stewart should stick to reading other people's words.

red 15 years ago

Janeane Garofalo, Meet Katrina Pierson

Katrina Pierson, a young mother who spoke at the Dallas Tea Party, sends a clear message to race-card playing demagogues like Janeane Garofalo: “Not all of us are hypnotized.”

red 15 years ago

Search is On to Find Out What 9% of the U.S. is Smoking

Almost 1 in 10 Americans think Congress is doing an excellent job--which makes the other 9 wonder what the 1 is smoking and whether they can get some too. Maybe they like pain a la the Fannie-Freddie-Congress inspired economic collapse, $10 trillion in debt, deficit spending out the butt, the selling of pork barrel to the highest donor. . .shall I go on?

red 15 years ago

Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Classic case of "do as I say, not as I do." This helps explain why the One gave chump change (if any) to charity most of his life and never bailed out his own siblings, aunt, and other family members living in poverty.

red 15 years ago