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Vintage Fashion Trends That Should NEVER Come Back

Dressing poorly when you're young and naive is OKAY, but plenty of these fashions were popular when you could make decisions for yourself. Let's hope that doesn't happen again—enter Ford's Random Acts of Fusion and get a chance at a trip to Fashion's Night Out in NYC and stay ahead of the curve.

1. Powdered wigs (1700s)

2. Corsets (1800s)

3. Bib overalls (1970s)

4. Leisure suits (1970s)

5. Fanny packs (1980s)

6. Parachute / "Hammer" pants (1980s)

7. Mullets (1980s)

8. Rattails (1980s)

9. Neon leg warmers (1990s)

10. Sagging (1990s)

Unlike these people, you have the chance to learn from their mistakes. Make the best of it and enter for a chance to win a trip to Fashion's Night Out in NYC with Ford's Random Acts of Fusion!