We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    28 Products If Your Home Is Begging To Be Cleaned But You’re Feeling Lazy

    No one likes cleaning, especially when it requires so much effort — lucky for you, these products will make it *almost* effortless.

    1. Bissell multipurpose carpet and upholstery cleaner that looks like Mike Wazowski but is no monster — it'll be your bestie. Instead of putting your tired arms to work trying to scrub out all ~oopsies~, this compact cleaner uses warm water and a specialized liquid cleaner to remove all stains from mud, food, pets, you name it. Say goodbye to sticky messes that creepy crawlies love! 

    the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of reviewer's pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $12.99

    Promising review: "I bought this because I have a cat with a sensitive stomach and, in a house with almost all hardwood flooring, he chooses to only throw up in the room with all WHITE carpeting. The carpet had so many stains from futile clean-up attempts, I thought it was ruined. However I bought this steam cleaner, gave it a try, and the carpet looks brand new!! It was almost fun cleaning up the stains and watching them disappear in seconds. Steamer is super easy to use, very portable, and stores away nicely in my laundry cabinet. Absolutely recommend to anyone ready to give up on their stained carpet." —Carlos 

    Get it from Amazon for $109.59.  

    2. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner so you can save your arms from an unwarranted workout session. It requires no elbow grease — just spray your shower once a week, wait 8–12 hours, and then rinse with warm water. Say bye-bye to scum- (plus grime-, oil-, and mold-) filled showers, and hello to your shiny new tiles. 

    A reviewer's dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98 (available in two scents).

    3. And a hard-water-stain remover because no matter how much work you've put into scrubbing that eyesore away, it doesn't seem to disappear. This removes stains almost instantly, and you'll save your poor, strained forearms. 

    tub with yellow hard water stains
    The same tub clean

    It also works on shower doors, windshields, toilets, and tile, so you can get a ton of bang for your buck.

    Promising review: "Miracle!! I really thought my shower glass was hopeless. I have tried CLR, vinegar, citric acid, a steam cleaner, and a multitude of other cleaning products, all without any luck. I didn't have high hopes for this product but it totally worked. My glass looks so much better. Mine wasn't just stained either; it had loads of mineral buildup that was hardened and nearly impossible to remove — it looked 'dirty.' I am thankful it's fixed. I would definitely recommend this to others and I will buy it again." —Kabuki

    Get it from Amazon for $17.77.

    4. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover that pet owners swear by. It's just like a lint roller but without the paper so it never runs out. It's designed to pick up pet hair efficiently, and once it's locked in, it doesn't go anywhere until you throw it away. Say goodbye to grabbing a huge vacuum to clean the mess your lil pup inevitably leaves behind!

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "I have a golden retriever and the shedding is out of control. My fabric sofa is constantly covered in hair and I finally decided to try this after reading an article about popular TikTok products. The reviews do not lie, this thing works magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after picture because the difference is noticeable. I watched the video tutorial before I tried it to ensure I was using it properly and everything he says is true, you do really have to put your arm to work with vigorous back and forth movement! However, I find it's a great arm workout and it works wonders." —Joanne Ertel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in two colors). 

    5. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner because even though you can't see your week-old pasta, doesn't mean that it's not still down there. Just toss this in the sink and let the water run — it'll clean itself so you don't have to reach down there and do it, *ick*. Once you see the bath bomb-like blue fizz, the job is done and your sink is free from the backed-up gunk. 

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    6. An EasyWring microfiber spin mop so you don't have to get on your hands and knees when you clean your floors — sorry, Cinderella, this was after your time. The wringer will remove the perfect amount of excess water, and the mop is designed with a microfiber fabric that is so effective all you need is WATER to clean.

    Model using the foot pedal on a water basin to wring out a small mop
    O-Cedar/YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog that makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97

    7. Or a robotic mop because technology is just that good. This requires literally *ZERO* work for you thanks to its ability to map out your entire home and clean up all the grime from the floor. It returns back to the charging dock once it's done cleaning — I guess robots may actually take over the world. 

    You can even connect this baby to Alexa so you can literally get hands-free cleaning! If you just need a spill or a specific area cleaned, it can do that as well. You can even set "keep out zones" so the robot can avoid sensitive areas. When it runs out of battery mid-clean, it'll go back to the dock, recharge, and finish the job!

    Promising review: "I was so skeptical about buying a robot to mop my floors. I kept thinking, will it really work? Will it really clean the floor? Well, let me say that words cannot express how impressed I am with this robot. I have a large home with hardwood floors throughout, five kids, and two dogs. Keeping up with the floors was always a chore, but not anymore! Thanks to this robot mop, my weekly deep clean is so much easier. I have a large open floor plan of about 1800 sq. ft of hardwood floors on the main floor. The robot 'learned' my home in just a few cleaning runs. It even avoids the area rug, door mats and kitchen mats." —Cheryl Campbell

    Get it from Amazon for $349.

    8. A set of brush-and-flush toilet tabs to reduce the need for scrubbing — Just drop one tab into the bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes. Afterwards, just take a brush and wipe all the grime away!

    Gif of a toilet tablet fizzing and dissolving
    before photo of a dirty toilet with hard water ring and stains
    the same toilet looking clean
    Melanie Aman / BuzzFeed

    They're from a Black woman-owned small biz founded by a mom committed to finding natural alternatives to common household items.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Melanie Aman says: "For all the folks who don't enjoy cleaning the toilet — myself included — these dissolving tablets make quick work of a grimy bowl. The tablets are a little hard to dislodge from the plastic container (although that does make me feel confident that they're secure during transit and won't break; mine all arrived intact!), but once you get one out, you drop it in the toilet and let it do its thing. It'll start fizzing — just like a bath bomb — loosening any stains and streaks in 10 minutes so they come away with a light brushing. I never let the toilet get too bad (and usually it takes awhile for me to notice any buildup since there are only two people in the apartment), so I can't vouch for them if you have really set-in hard water stains or haven't cleaned the commode in six months. But if you're looking to ditch the harsh cleansers in your toilet-cleaning routine, this is a great addition to your lineup."

    Get six tablets from Pardo Naturals for $10.50 (available in seven scents).

    9. Or a Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp so you don't have to lay a finger in the bowl. Each stamp lasts up to 12 days and cleans the toilet with every flush. Bye-bye rings and limescale! 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    The stamp in its packaging

    Check out a TikTok of the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to see it in action! 

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and was confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get it from Amazon for $4.74

    10. A set of washing machine cleaning tablets that'll remove grime and odor-causing residue after placing one tablet in and running a cycle. You won't have to keep putting your laundry back in because after one wash, it'll smell like detergent, and detergent *only*. 

    A model putting a tablet in the washing machine

    Promising review: My older model Whirlpool washing machine had been smelling very bad for about two months. We tried everything, white vinegar, bleach, etc, it would stay fresh smelling for two days then back to the bad moldy smell. I read this product works so I ordered it. Used one tablet and the smell is gone!!! It has been three weeks now and it just smells fresh, no strong perfume odor either! Buy this product you will not regret it!!!" —A.C.

    Get a set of three tablets from Amazon for $5.99

    11. And a set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets because even though this savior of a machine cleans your bowls, plates, and pretty much everything, it doesn't clean itself. All you have to do is pop a tablet in (with or without dishes)  to remove limescale and mineral buildup, pump and valve, hose, and tub — without having to even move a muscle.  Pamper your dishwasher and think of it as a thank you for all the hard work it has done for you. 

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Saved me from buying a new dishwasher! I have to admit that I was skeptical that this product was actually going to do anything. I’ve noticed my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes very well lately, and I did everything I could to get it working properly again, but was ready to finally give up and buy a new dishwasher. I bought these tablets thinking they were designed to eliminate odors, but I was willing to give them a shot before buying a whole new dishwasher. I put one in the bottom of the dishwasher last night per the instructions and woke up to completely clean dishes for the first time in weeks. They look perfect. I don’t know why these tablets work but they absolutely did and I am a happy customer!" —B. Turner

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $7.99.

    12. A power scrubber brush that you can attach to a drill. A DRILL. Just pop it on the head of your drill that's been sitting in your garage and let the machine do all the work for you.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    It comes with three different sizes and shapes of brushes. The bristles won't scratch and are good to use on tubs, sinks, baseboards, fiberglass shower enclosures, shower door tracks, and porcelain. The drill isn't included, but you can find a bunch of great ones on Amazon!  

    Promising review: "Listen, the drill brush has been my go-to for like everything. Cleaning the vehicle carpet, getting out tough stains in carpet. You name it and I have pretty much cleaned it with my drill brush. They are still working great and holding up after hundreds of cleaning routines. It works out some of the toughest stuff but safe on suedes and carpets. I can’t say enough about this product, and I wish I had bought this sooner. There are different levels and I only have the white for upholstery types but I think I’ll be buying more. Great product to have in with your cleaning products! You won’t be disappointed." —Wojo

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six different brush heads for different surfaces).

    13. touch-free stationary vacuum so you don't have to lug a big ol' machine around your house. Just take a broom and sweep towards the vacuum — the automatic sensors will suction everything into its black hole. The best part? You don't have to wrestle with getting every dust particle onto a dustpan. 

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor. I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweet things into and it sucks them right up. Sure, it's more expensive than my actual vacuum, but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $149 (available in eight colors).

    14. Or a Roomba if you simply don't want to sweep or vacuum at all (trust me, I get it). It has dirt sensors for high-traffic areas and gives it a more thorough clean. Plus, you can use the app on your phone to give it a schedule! 

    It has an edge sweeping brush, dual multi surface brushes, and a power lifting suction — it's a vacuum and broom combined into one! Plus you can control it through Alexa or Siri. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely love my Roomba. I have a two bedroom duplex and Roomba is able to vacuum and sweep the entire place. I really like how it is able to vacuum up on the tile as well as the carpet. This means I had no longer have to sweep my kitchen! :-) The run time is about 45 to 50 minutes and it is able to cover most of the duplex within that time. You will need to make sure that you keep its charging station clear of dust or debris or she may have a hard time finding her charging station. When I put her home I just set it close to the charging station and push the home button. The only downside is that you will have to clean out Roomba about once a month depending on how often you use it. I clean it about once a month after running it about three times a week. As far as pet hair it does a good job. Overall I was a little skeptical at first but I do not regret my purchase at all and I will always have a Roomba in my life!" —Andrew Driscoll

    Get it from Amazon for $241.59.

    15. blind duster with microfiber sleeves that'll make cleaning your blinds so much easier. Instead of cleaning each shade one by one, you can take on  three at a time! 

    Reviewer using three pronged duster to squeeze dust off a window shade
    Duster with collection of dust

    Promising review: "I hate to clean blinds. I've tried every method you could imagine but none really did a good job. While looking at the internet for something to make the job easier I found the Hiware window blind cleaner duster brush. The price was more than affordable so I thought I would give it a shot. This little device is genius and the microfiber sleeves are so easy to throw in the washer to get ready for the next time." —Northwest Gal

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in two colors).

    16. A heavy-duty grout cleaner so you can finally clean those dark, dirt-filled crevices. Just let it sit on the floor for 10 minutes and scrub all the muck away instead of taking a toothbrush and trying to remove it little by little (I'm sweating just thinking about it). 

    Promising review: "I never leave reviews on Amazon but this grout cleaner definitely deserved a review. I tried three other cleaners before buying Grout-eez and they did nothing but waste my time and money. Grout-eez got my grout perfectly clean in no time, plus it was easy to use and no odor. I'll never use another grout cleaner." —Tyler

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    17. A mold and mildew removal gel because having this sludge built up isn't too easy on the eyes. Just leave it on the dirty kitchen and bathroom spots and with a few swipes, it'll look like a newly renovated home.

    Promising review: "It’s a little hard to squeeze but that totally makes up for the AMAZING results. I was embarrassed about our tubs because the people we bought our house from didn’t caulk or seal them properly and this resulted in mildew buildup. I tried EVERYTHING until I saw this on TikTok, I believe — MIRACLE FREAKING WORKER. I will be buying more, the only complaint I will ever have is the shipping got mixed up but that is not a problem and was fixed very easily!" —Brooklyn Nguyen

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    18. Melamine cleaning sponges for your stained hard surfaces (like the tables and walls your children decide to draw on) that's basically like erasing pencil from paper. Just add water to this sponge and everything will *poof* disappear.

    reviewer pic of messy table with scribbles before using cleaning sponge
    reviewer pic of wooden table after using cleaning sponges

    Promising review: "I love these sponges. I use them in the kitchen, the bathroom, and on the sides of the pool. But the use I like the best is to clean my vinyl wood floors. They get the spots and footprints off quickly without damaging the floor. I've use mops but they didn't remove what everyone had tracked in without pressing down really hard. These work quickly and efficiently." —D. Morales

    Get a 20-pack from Amazon for $14.05.

    19. A nonscratch dish wand perfect for removing stuck-on food remains from cookware without scrubbing relentlessly. You can also get one for using on countertops, showers, and even the toilet. Just fill the handle with dish soap or other cleaning products so you can get to cleaning without needing to have a bottle on hand! 

    Check out a TikTok of the Scotch-Brite Dishwand to see it in action. 

    Promising review: "Found this 'must do' hack. I fill the handle of this little gadget with Dawn and a little vinegar, keep it in the shower — then a couple of times a week, I just scrub the shower walls while I'm in there waiting on the dang hair conditioner to do its work — killin' two birds, I'm tellin' ya!" —my4sons

    Get it from Amazon for $3.33

    20. And a soap pump dispenser to *possibly* make washing the dishes less of an inconvenience. Instead of pouring dish soap onto a sponge, just place it in this nifty dispenser for the perfect amount of soap with just one pump. 

    Promising review: "Flipping over a bottle of dish soap isn’t a massive task, but I feel like being able to just press down the sponge on this dispenser is a time saver. I know it sounds silly. I absolutely love this, I have been using it for months without any issues. If you are only washing a handful of dishes, just barely press it down and plenty will end up in your sponge. Highly recommend." —M

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in three colors).

    21. A set of Bottle Bright tablets because shoving your hand inside a coffee tumbler to clean it just won't do the job. Just plop a tablet in, let it dissolve, and there you have it, a ✨sparkly✨ clean bottle.

    Promising review: "I seriously can't believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting Hydro Flask coffee mug; I tried everything — bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING — and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. It grossed me out so much that I bought ANOTHER Hydro Flask to replace it. Eventually they both got black inside, so I tried these little magic tablets. I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand-new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. I liked it so much that I used it on another Hydro Flask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn't put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of 12 from Amazon for $8.

    22. A set of fast-acting Keurig cleaner pods to finally rid your machine of old grinds and residue. Just pop it in like you would with a K-Cup and let it run instead of trying to clean it by hand. It can help extend your Keurig's lifespan and make your coffee taste super-duper fresh — especially when you just *need* a fresh cup o' joe to function. 

    Promising review: "These cleaning K-Cups work like magic. So easy a monkey can do it, LOL. No bad smell when cleaning. Coffee tasted great after using one of these cleaning cups." —KIMBERLY R. 

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    23. stainless steel cleaning kit so when you leave fingerprints behind from your 2 a.m. snacking, there's ~no evidence~. It works great on any stainless steel appliance and will make them ✨sparkle✨ — just spray and wipe away without scrubbing! Plus, it'll leave a protective barrier so you can continue on with your late-night food scavenger hunt. 

    a before picture of a dirty stove and dirty refrigerator door
    an after photo of a clean stove and a clean refrigerator door

    Kit includes: a bottle of spray, a pack of wipes, and a microfiber cloth

    Promising review: "BEST stainless steel cleaner EVER! The wipes work through cooking oil grime, sticky fingerprints and stubborn hard water stains like it’s nothing. Leaves a gorgeous, clean, truly streak free surface and after a month of use I’ve noticed my appliances are less susceptible to showing fingerprints and other small stains. Couldn’t be easier and more satisfying!" —Jane

    Get it from Amazon for $23.98

    24. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff to remove grease and grime from quite literally any surface from stoves to bathtubs to even jewelry — without the need for strenuous scrubbing! It works so well it'll be attached to your hip. For this price? You'll definitely get a bang for your buck.

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    Promising review: "I used this product for my stove because it's one thing I dislike cleaning. I have used degreaser sprays and they all are so toxic and don't work for me. The Magic Eraser was okay but I used several at a time and I had to scrub so hard. But this product oh my goodness, legit a miracle. It doesn't have any type of smell. I put the paste on a cloth, clean the area then wipe it off with a damp cloth and voilà, magic!" —May

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99

    25. An adorable fish-shaped humidifier tank cleaner that'll give you all the perks of having a fish without needing to take care of it. Plus, it’s more useful than actually having a fish — it keeps your humidifier cleaner longer and kills odor causing bacteria so you don't have to constantly wash it out.

    the blue plastic fish filled white white balls that sanitize the water
    the fish swimming around a humidifier

    Promising review: "Just drop this in your humidifier and it keeps the water pretty darn mildew- and mold-free. Super easy to use, no smell, and safe. I have already repurchased and given a few to other people as well." —Kristine

    Get it from Amazon for $5.98

    26. An Angry Mama microwave cleaner so your mama doesn't get angry the next time she comes over and sees a dirty microwave. Just fill it up with vinegar and water, heat it up, and once all the steam runs out (around seven minutes), wipe down the inside. There's no need for cleaning products or intense scouring when you have this lil mama!

    Promising review: "This product is so amazing, I'm going to get one for all of my children. I am a teacher and I let my students use my microwave. Usually it takes me half an hour of scrubbing after 31 students have made popcorn and heated up lunches. This time I used the product, and I literally spent less than one minute just wiping down the microwave!!! I will now keep one in my classroom and one at my home. A miracle product that actually does what it says, remarkable!!!" —Desiree Barlow

    Get it from Amazon for $7.55.

    27. A highly-rated pet stain-removing spray because your poor carpet doesn't deserve to stink or stain. Instead of yelling, "bad dog!" you'll be screaming, "amazing stain remover!" Spray and soak any mess your lil stinker decides to make, and just like that, gone. 

    Reviewer image of a stained carpet
    Reviewer image of same carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "I don’t know how I ever survived without this. There’s tons of 'pet stain/odor remover' products out there, but this by far is the absolute best. I cringed paying the $20 for it when others are between $5–$10, but I have NO ISSUES paying now. I foster dogs, some puppies, some older, some not house broken and every room in my house is carpeted except the kitchen which means I have lots of accidents. I spray enough to saturate if it’s a lot of urine, let it soak for 10 minutes then wipe it up with a hand towel. Then I put a larger towel on top of it if it’s in a high-traffic area until it’s completely dry. It’s taken out every stain and more importantly the odor is gone! I will never stop buying this product. I recommend it to everyone who has dogs!" —Shelley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    28. A tub of glass cleaning wipes so instead of reaching for the spray AND paper towels, just take one of these babies out of the jar for streak-free windows!

    Bottle of Glass Miracle Wipes
    Reviewer results of using glass wipes on window

    You'll also receive a microfiber cloth to use if you're looking for an even more streak-free shine.

    Promising review: "These wipes work very well! Even came with a nice soft cloth! What! Yes! I was surprised too! I’ve been using these to clean off all the doggie nose snot smudges from my car windows and my dog’s 'lookout' windows where she protects our home from squirrels. I highly recommend this product. Works very well and they are very good quality! It’s nice to see clearly out my windows again." —Nancy Domingo

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $9.97 (also available in a pack of 60).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.