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    Convert Two Wooden Chairs Into This Adorable Garden Bench

    Smell the flowers, read a book, sip some wine...

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    Nifty / Via Facebook: 195989344211258


    2 dining chairs

    Wood planks



    Dust mask

    Eye mask


    Measuring tape





    Hand drill

    Driving bits

    Drill bits



    Paint brushes


    1. Use screwdrivers to remove the seats of both chairs.

    2. Determine how long you want your bench to be with a measuring tape. 3.Measure for top and bottom layer. Note: your bottom layer and top layer may have a different lengths. Size your wood planks accordingly. Tip: you can lay the wood planks over the chairs to help you visualize the length of your bench.

    4. Use the saw to size wood planks to the desired length.

    5. Use the saw to remove the front side of one chair. Do not remove the front side of the second chair. The second chair will remain intact for now so that we can use it as support.

    6. Save two beams from the parts that were sawed off from the first chair. These beams will be used as support for the bottom layer of the bench.

    7. Mark on the chairs the desired height of the bottom layer. Note: this is the same area where the support beams (saved piece) will be attached.

    8. If required, size the support beams to fit the chair with the saw.

    9. Before screwing the chairs and support beams together, mark on the chairs where the screw will be placed.

    10. Pre-drill the chair and the support beam on one side of the first chair.

    11. Attach the first chair and support beam together with screws.

    12. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the other side of the chair and support beam.

    13. Repeat steps 9-11 for the second chair.

    14. Lay the wood planks over the bottom beams. Optional: create space in between the wood planks.

    15. Before attaching the wood planks to the bottom beam, mark where the screws will be placed. Note: at this time we will only be attaching wood planks to the first chair. Do not attach wood planks to the second chair.

    16. If the wood planks are thick or very dense, pre-drill holes before placing screws.

    17. Attach the wood planks to the bottom beam with screws, hand drill, and driver bits.

    18. Lay the wood planks over the top layer of the chair. Optional: create space in between the wood planks.

    19. Before attaching the wood planks to the top beam, mark where the screws will be placed. Note: at this time we will only be attaching wood planks to the first chair. Do not attach wood planks to the second chair.

    20. Attach the wood planks to the top beam with screws, hand drill, and driver bits.

    21. Remove front part of the second chair.

    22. Attach wood planks to the bottom beams of the second chair.

    23. Attach wood planks to the top beams of the second chair. Lay bench on its side.

    24. Before attaching wood planks to the back of the bench, measure the length. Note: the size of the wood planks may be different lengths depending on the curvature of the bench.

    25. Size the wood planks to fit the length of the back of the bench

    26. Attach wood planks to the back of the bench.

    27. Prep the bench for painting by sanding. Wipe off any residue from sanding.

    28. Prime the bench and dry.

    29. Paint the bench and then let the paint dry. If desired, paint on a top coat.

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