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    Just 27 Practical Things Worth Buying On Amazon Right Now

    Easy-to-use cleaners, summer sunscreens, travel necessities, and so much more.

    1. An all-purpose car cleaner to keep your entire car squeaky clean without taking it to get detailed. By using only one product, you might actually find the ~drive~ to maintain your vehicle's leather, vinyl, carpet, upholstery, plastic, and rubber.

    2. Reusable cotton rounds that — unlike their disposable counterparts — will last for way longer than just one minute. No more purchasing long sleeves of rounds you'll only use once!

    reviewer's 12 blue, green and white rounds with their laundry bag

    3. A stretchy Boba Wrap to keep your baby nice and close to you throughout the day. They'll love snuggling up and you can enjoy the freedom of having both of your hands free — what a concept!

    A model wearing a baby in the grey wrap
    reviewer's photo carrying their baby in the grey wrap

    Promising review: "Best baby wrap ever! I used to have an actual carrier but hated it! This wrap is a lifesaver! It's so stretchy which I love, but it also holds the baby really close up against you. Most of the time its the only way I get the baby to sleep, by walking around with her in it! Amazing product!" —Ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in 19 colors).

    4. A Saucemoto dip clip that attaches right to your car's air vent to hold takeout sauce containers so you can finally dip with ease during long road trips.

    sauce dip clip
    reviewer dipping waffle fry in sauce being held by clip

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "How did I go so long without one of these??? The Saucemoto was my first 'TikTok Made Me Buy It' purchase, and I have no regrets. It clips easily to my car's vent, and the sauce cups clip in easily so I can dip and drive. No more trying not to dump the sauce by accident while steering with the same hand that's holding the dip cup. It even comes with a dip cup for those places that do the pouches for their sauces rather than the cups. (I'm looking at you, Arby's.) Ya know, you end up squeezing the sauce onto the wrapper that's balanced on your lap, and you end up getting some sauce on your steering wheel. OR you try the whole 'wrapper and sauce on the passenger seat and try to dip while watching the road,' which usually doesn't turn out so great." —Pleasure Pamela

    Get set of two from Amazon for $9.99 (available in three colors).

    5. A set of matte lipsticks capable of hanging on all through dinner, dessert, and drinks without batting an eye. And for six shades at an under-$15 price point, they're pretty much a no-brainer if you're a lippie lover. 

    Reviewer wearing red matte lipstick
    Reviewer wearing all six shades of pink and red matte on their hand

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "What can I say, I saw a TikTok about this lipstick and for $10 had to try it! The reviews are right, for some reason this lipstick is better than even $20 name brand ones bought from Ulta. Not only does it smell great, but dries in under a minute and survived eating a cupcake, a Starbucks drink, and an entire evening out, no smudging and had to be removed with a makeup wipe. Fantastic product!!" —Claire

    Get a six-piece set from Amazon for $11.88 (available in three color sets). 

    6. A lightweight UPF 50+ protective running hat to keep your face and head nice and protected while you jog or do literally anything else in the sun! Hats are pretty all-purpose, famously. 

    Reviewer in neon green baseball hat with mesh panel
    Reviewer showing how small it folds into itself

    Promising review: "I went on a run with this hat, and I was pleasantly surprised. It is very lightweight. The hat completely covers my head from the front and reaches around a low ponytail, which is why I love it. It is reflective, too. The really cool part is how it folds. There are two creases on the bill, so it can completely fold up. And when you’re wearing the hat, the bill stays firm and in place. I was just trying to get a good price on a running hat, but I was pleasantly surprised by the high quality and features. I would recommend this hat. I’ll be getting another one for my friend." —Calista Brown

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in nine colors).

    7. Or, a CurlCap if you want that same protection without sacrificing the health, happiness, and killer style of your curls. It's satin-lined to prevent breakage, as well as backless and adjustable to ensure your natural hair fits just-so. 

    Reviewer in black version of the hat with curly ponytail through the gap in the back of the hat
    Reviewer in light purple version

    CurlCap is a Black-owned apparel company founded by Britney Sadé that specializes in caps designed for natural hair with an open back and flexible scrunchie design.

    Promising review: "This hat is comfortable, well-made, and cute! It is now my go-to hat for casual days when I put my hair in a ponytail. I have also worn it playing tennis and found that it's more comfortable than wearing a visor. The back elastic really keeps the hat secure without feeling too tight. I have the black twill, and would love to see it in other colors in this fabric for walking, running, and tennis. Love." —Me

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in 27 styles).

    8. A tennis shoe cleaner to get your kicks kickin' again. Drop your shoe shopping plans — you can restore your old ones to their former glory!

    9. A USB-chargeable fan that's a no-brainer for hot summer days, summer vacays, and especially for afternoons spent at amusement parks. A Mickey-shaped ice cream bar will taste even better with a handheld breeze blowing on your face.

    reviewer holding the black small fan with the words "portable fan, you the real MVP" on it

    10. A mini white noise machine for anyone who has trouble falling asleep with the random noises going on outside their window. Why does a cat always start cartoonishly digging through a trash can right at bed time?

    reviewer image of the white noise machine

    11. An inexpensive baby gate to keep your waddling toddler safe from areas they shouldn't have access to. "Babies don't belong on stairs!" you say cheerily as you lift your kiddo and open this gate easily with one hand thanks to its lever handle.

    reviewer's photo of a child trying to open a gate
    reviewer's gif showing how to open the door latch easily with one hand

    Make sure you double check the dimensions of the space you plan on putting the gate before ordering to make sure you get the proper fit!

    Promising review: "Best gate I have ever owned. I have two small kids, a dog, and two cats. Plus, lots of stairs. I have gone through so many gates in the last three years. Most broke over time or came loose. This gate is worth 20 stars. Amazing quality. It has stood the test of time! reliable, sturdy, easy to use, easy to install. The gate swings both ways! That's a HUGE plus. I feel so secure having it knowing that there is no way my kids or dog can knock it down or get over it. It is tall too. Buy this one. Coming from the girl who is the queen of gates. This one is one-and-done." —L. Randall

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in two sizes).

    12. A wireless transmitter called AirFly that allows you to connect your Bluetooth headphones to the airplane audio jack. Not being literally tethered to the seat in front of you and covered in wires while you attempt to relax is gonna be a small but mighty improvement to the flying experience.

    the AirFly Pro plugged into the seat back on a plane

    13. A soft silicone ear-saver and mask-extender if you still want or need to mask up but are *beyond* done with the ear pain that can come along with it.

    A model wearing a mask that is pulled together around the back of their head by the silicone ear saver, which has three different toggles on the back for sizing

    14. A pair of Altra Lone Peak six trail runners for the upcoming camping, hiking, and backpacking trips ahead this season. Their wide toe box, quick dry time, and great grip and support will likely have you ditching hiking boots for good. The older model of these shoes totally changed my life — backpacking miles came easier, blisters and foot pain on trail nearly disappeared, and my boots went bye-bye.

    reviewer in green and pink alrea trail runners witha. wide toe box

    15. Neutrogena Beach Defense Water Resistant Sunscreen so you can slather yourself in SPF 70 this summer knowing you likely won't sweat it off too soon. It has 80 minutes of water-resistance, so you can take a break from reapplying while you enjoy a cute beach or pool day.

    Promising review: "The BEST sunscreen I have ever used! I am always prone to burn any time I get out in the sun. I decided to take a trip to the beach this summer, and just went kayaking for four hours on the water in the BEAMING sun and in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY. I put sunscreen everywhere except for my chest. Wanna know where my skin is resembling that of a cherry? My chest. The rest of me? TANNING WITH NO BURN WHATSOEVER!!! I was shocked. I love this product and will forever recommend it for the rest of my life. Stay safe and stay unaffected from the sun, you guys!!!" —Channing C. 

    Get it from Amazon for $9.58

    16. And a sunburn soother made with aloe and coconut oil just in case you forgot your sunscreen in the first place. It both soothes *and* hydrates, giving you a quicker recovery time from the biggest bummer that comes along with time in the sun. 

    Promising review: "Upon planning our vacation to the beach, I ordered sunscreen, suntan lotion, and sunburn relief from Amazon and packed in our beach bag. Day two of our vacation on a cloudy day on the beach in Florida, my husband got sunburned on his feet, legs, and chest. He started putting sunburn relief on his skin the same day he got burned, and we are on day four, and he never peeled, was not in pain, and his sunburn is now tan. This lotion truly works and will be a staple now in our home." —ymucnxigv

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    17. Some charcoal shoe deodorizers so you don't have to get new loafers every time your favorite pair start to come down with The Stink.

    charcoal deodorizers tucked into many pairs of shoes

    18. A Trtl neck pillow to help you and your plane neighbor avoid a most dreaded fate: you nodding off onto their shoulder.

    model wearing a gray trtl pillow while sleeping on a plane

    19. A jewelry cleaning pen so you don't have to go out and buy a new diamond ring whenever yours gets a little dull. You know. A real human problem.

    on the left, reviewer's clouded amber colored ring, on the right the same ring looking much clearer

    20. A set of string lights that are a staggering 48 feet long to make your outdoor space even more usable. Now you can transform your patio space into a private outdoor bistro for you and your pals to enjoy.

    a reviewer photo of the lights hung over an outdoor dining table

    21. A pack of Bottle Bright tablets so you can rescue all the tumblers you've let sit for too long, succumbing to their moldy fate.

    on the left inside of reviewer's stained tumbler labeled "before," in the middle the tumbler is soapy labeled "during," on the right the tumbler is clean labeled "after"

    22. Reusable Keurig cups to save money buying refills, make your own coffee blends, and reduce your use of disposable K-cups in one fell swoop.

    23. A knife sharpener so you don't have to buy a new knife every time you botch a tomato. The one you have is fine, it just needs a little TLC.

    the sharpener with two slots

    24. A Levi's denim jacket because if you are currently lacking a denim jacket, I urge you to finally get one. Everyone deserves a well-worn layering piece in what I believe is the greatest fabric ever created. They're endlessly versatile.

    25. A Drop Stop to prevent food, coins, your phone —anything! — from getting lost between your car's seat and center console. Heck, you could probably pay for this with the amount of change you'll eventually rescue.

    reviewer's drop stop squished between their passenger seat and cup holder

    26. A contoured eye mask that will majorly come in handy if you're sensitive to light and find yourself needing to snooze during the day, on a plane, or anywhere where there's unwanted light, really. Best of all, it won't smoosh your little eyes, so you can stay comfy and hopefully fall asleep even faster.

    27. A super-powered stainless steel "soap" bar so you can easily wash away the lingering smell of garlic and onions after chopping. And unlike a regular bar of soap, it will never erode away into a tiny ball of mush. This thing is sticking around.

    hand holding silver soap bar over sink

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.