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    The Signs That You're Ready For College

    For UWRIT 1104 Studio 1

    1. You find yourself wanting to meet new people and learn new things.

    2. You realize that you need to communicate more in college than in high school

    3. You recognize that your professors want to help you, but you need to reach out to them first.

    4. You want to meet new people and experience new cultures.

    5. You want to join clubs and organizations that pertain to your major and to your interests.

    6. You want to take some classes that are completely different from the suggested course of study from your major.

    7. You want to make friends within your major and with those in completely different disciplines.

    8. You're prepared to mushfake your way through the first semester (and maybe the second.)

    9. The realization that your Gen Eds are basically High School 2.0 (Math, English, Science, Langauge, and maybe a P.E.) has already fazed you.

    10. You've bought a planner and have already written down your professor's office hours.

    11. You want to make good impressions on your professors so they will be references for you.

    12. Time management means something to you, as does adult responsibility.

    13. Procrastination is not your middle name!

    14. You don't want to miss class because you know the professor will notice.

    15. Your biggest lifeline is going to be your professor or TA, and you want to utilize them to the max.

    16. You went through high school with little help from teachers, but want to talk to experts in the field, and become one yourself.

    17. You want to explore deeper into your major and hopefully explore using internships.

    18. You're ready to have to critically think and come to your own conclusions.

    19. And finally, you're ready to take on the new experiences of college and learn to fit in with this new community you've found. From the whole student body to the person sitting next to you in class, to your new friend's group.