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11 Obscure Holidays You Should Remember To Celebrate

It's the holiday season, but we're betting you forgot to celebrate some of the year's most special days. Don't miss your chance to participate in some of the world's most obscure days of celebration.

1. Old Rock Day - January 7

2. Public Sleeping Day - February 28

3. Draw A Picture of a Bird Day - April 8

4. Everything You Think Is Wrong Day - March 15

5. Hug An Australian Day - April 26

6. Lumpy Rug Day - May 3

7. International Panic Day - June 18

8. Bad Poetry Day - August 18

9. National Step Family Day - September 16

10. Have a Party With Your Bear Day - November 16

11. National Cookie Day - December 4

We're not sure what to do with the other ones exactly, but celebrate National Cookie Day with a free toasted cookie from Quiznos!

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