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14 Ways To Have Breakfast Like An Adult

Breakfast loves you. Love it back the right way and enhance your morning meal with Quaker Real Medleys, exploding with real fruit, real nuts, and wholesome multigrain!

1. Let the light in.

2. Establish the morning mood.

How 'bout some classical tunes for the classy human that you are?

3. Set the table.

4. Create a fresh, groovalicious smoothie.

5. Fill your head with knowledge.

6. Brew your own coffee.

7. Teach yourself to poach an egg.

8. Use a fancy napkin.

9. Easy on the syrup.

10. Do some crossword puzzles.

11. Don't inhale. Take your time.

12. Pinkies up.

13. Write in your journal.

14. Don't fear the dirty dishes.