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    So BuzzFeed Needs An Intern

    ...and I need to be ~that~ intern.

    Hi! My name is Priya Kapoor. I know, the fakest name of all time.

    But I am real. And I happened to be doing the realest thing a real person can do, scrolling through social media

    ...when I came across This Tweet

    And suddenly, it seemed as if all my planets had aligned.

    Amazing writer? I'd like to think so. Love lists? Check. Obsessed with pop culture? Check. My friends think I am hilarious? Friend*, and check. Spend more time on the internet than with family and friends? Once again, it's *friend*, and check. You like memes more than you like people? I devour memes at the rate of 29 schmacko per second. You'd like to earn some money? H*ck yeah. You can work Monday-Friday in Mumbai for the next 3 months? Check.

    So, instead of a CV in pdf here is one as a good ol' listicle. Let's begin!

    First up, education


    Let's talk skills now

    Creative writing

    Social media management

    English proficiency

    Analytical planning

    Strong verbal and personal communication skills

    Leadership qualities

    Multitasking and time management

    But wait! There's more

    I Sometimes Talk Like This For Emphasis

    A master in ~BuzzFeed lingo~

    And I can have an entire conversation in italics!

    I can find and make GIFs

    And last but not the least, I LOVE PUNS.

    So that was all about me.

    And I'll just be here, waiting...

    ...waiting for you to love me back.

    Because I think I'd fit in perfectly

    Ohkay, I will go now
