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14 Signs You Grew Up Playing PlayStation

Remember unwrapping your very first one for Christmas and then not turning it off for at least a week? This Christmas might be time to do it again with a PS4.

1. First off, this sound will forever bring you joy:

View this video on YouTube / Via MaxiFX (CC BY 1.0)

2. And this one:

View this video on YouTube / Via MaxiFX (CC BY 1.0)

3. You have a soft spot for demo CDs.

4. You learnt how to rap from a 2D animated dog.

5. And you love bandicoots!

6. Before there was a mother of dragons, you had this little purple dude who was a badass.

7. You think there's a possibility you could find treasure in any abandoned old thing too...

8. ...while also questioning and calculating just how exactly you can climb or scale everything you now see.

9. Plus you know where the video grappling hook craze started.

10. And boxes aren't just boxes to you.

11. You'll forever be grateful for memory cards.

12. You think you're a master of all sorts of different martial arts thanks to playing too much Tekken.

13. And we all went through a skate phase.

14. And finally you know the unwritten rule that no matter what, if you're the guest, you'll always get the more banged up, older controller.

Now it's time to upgrade to a PlayStation 4 this Christmas to continue creating timeless PlayStation memories.