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12 Signs You're A Master Upcycler

The only way is up. Follow the upcycling masterminds at TerraCycle on the new season of Human Resources from Participant Media — airing every Friday at 10 e/p, only on Pivot.

1. You respect recycling. You do.

2. It's just that personally, you prefer upcycling.

3. Turning something old into something new is your hobby.

4. You've always been good with your hands.

"Craft" is your middle name. Or at least it should be.

5. And you've always preferred handmade toys.

6. You can make anything from basically nothing.

7. No old shirt shall ever be donated.

Because old shirts can be transformed into new dresses.

8. No old album shall ever be discarded.

9. Your weekends are usually spent at yard sales.

10. And when you see this, you don't see garbage...

11. see something else.

12. Because you believe everything deserves a second chance.

Follow TerraCycle as they take the trash out of TV on Human Resources, airing every Friday at 10 E/P, only on Pivot TV!

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