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11 Delicious Cream Cheese Spread Snacks To Fuel Your TV Binge

Get through your latest marathon stretch with a variety of Philadelphia® Cream Cheese Spreads, perfect for TV snacking!

1. Sweet ‘n’ Salty Snackies

2. Chips 'n' Salsa

3. Devilish Peppers

4. Bacon-Pancake Bites

5. Antipasto Topped Crackers

6. Chocolate Chip Crunch

7. Let’s Taco ‘Bout It

8. Nuts About It

9. Triple Pepper Treats

10. Caramel Rice Cake Bites

11. BBQ Delight

Any one of the many Philadelphia® Cream Cheese Spreads will keep you snack-satisfied during your TV marathon.

Photographs by Lennon & Stone / © BuzzFeed.