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11 Cream Cheese Snacks That Are Perfect For Fall And Far From Ordinary

It’s that time again! Your favorite flavors are back, and Philadelphia® Cream Cheese Spreads will help you get your fill.

1. Bell Pepper Bites

2. Beet the Hunger

3. Figgy Bites

4. Autumn Date

5. Chocolate-Hazelnut Bites

6. Tasty Tubers

7. Cran-Apple Bites

8. Salmon Boats

9. Golden Pear Bites

10. Seeded Cracker Snacks

11. Pumpkin Spice Bites

Fans of fall rejoice! Your favorite season is here, and fall snacking just got better with Philadelphia® Cream Cheese Spreads.

Photographs by Aubree Lennon / © BuzzFeed.