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8 Things You’ve Always Wondered, Answered

Because knowledge is power!

1. What is déjà vu?

Person dons confused expression

2. Can you get COVID-19 from receiving a COVID-19 vaccination?

Man looks at thermometer in bed

3. If outer space is black, why is our sky blue?

A galaxy in outer space

4. Do dogs see only in black and white?

Golden retriever in bedroom

5. Can you really catch a virus from cold weather?

Thermometer placed in snow displaying cold temperature

6. Why does metal ruin a microwave?


7. Does gum stay in your digestive tract for seven years?

Collection of gumballs

8. Why do we need new vaccinations as time progresses?

Stethoscope rests on keyboard

Imagery via Getty

To learn more about COVID-19 and a vaccine option for you, visit CDC's today.