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10 Struggles Anyone Who Lives With Eczema Will Understand

Do you live with eczema? Then you might relate to these day-to-day struggles.

1. Feeling annoyed when people tell you to “just stop scratching.”

2. Having a hard time finding clothing that doesn't irritate your skin.

3. Canceling plans last minute because you're experiencing a flare-up.

4. Sleeping with eczema? Good luck.

5. Getting confused by when or where the eczema seems to just randomly show up on your body.

6. Feeling self-conscious.

7. Letting your dishes and laundry pile up because your hands just can’t handle any more soap and water.

8. Knowing that hot weather = more sweating = more problems.

9. Feeling exhausted about people asking you what's wrong with your skin.

10. Wondering what unknown thing will make your eczema flare up again.

Can you relate? Hear more from others suffering from eczema and find resources here.