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13 Tips To Give Your Dog The Best Outdoor Day Ever

Outdoor activities always make your dog smiles!

1. Let them decide the rules for the next game of fetch.

2. Tell them scary stories on a camping sleepover.

3. Sandwich your dog between belly rubs and grassy back rubs.

4. Make sure to get their good side when you take hiking selfies.

5. Don't get mad at them for waking you up before 7 a.m. on your next camping trip.

6. Swag them out in some new outdoor boots.

7. Set up a playdate with their doggy BFF.

8. Give them a new stink-free collar after letting them roll around in the mud for the day.

9. Give them a few minutes after your hike to let them reflect on the journey.

10. Bacon treats.

11. Take them out for a doggy paddle.

12. Surprise them with a strong, comfy harness for an adventure around the block.

13. Reward them with their favorite jerky dog treats for not chasing any birds.

Every dog loves a fun adventure. Check out PetSmart's new Arcadia Trail gear to get them excited!