Japandroids Rock Like Maniacs In Their New Video

    The Canadian duo finally got around to making a clip for "The House That Heaven Built." It's the punk rock anthem of the summer, if you didn't know.

    Bands usually prioritize making a music video ahead of hitting the road, but the Canadian punk duo Japandroids skipped that step when they released their excellent second album Celebration Rock earlier this summer. They finally got around to making one with director Jim Larson, who created this clip for their big scream-along anthem "The House That Heaven Built" from footage shot during their summer tour. We've all seen this kind of video before - it's mostly just Japandroids hanging out behind the scenes and getting wild on stage - but it's perfect, because there is no better visual for a song like this than fans flipping out and these guys rocking out like total beasts.

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