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We Want To Know About "Rich People Flexes" That You've Witnessed But Just Scream "Out Of Touch"

You paid how much for VIP tickets?!

Now that Coachella and the Met Gala are behind us, there's a respite from rich people posting overtime on social media. It's bittersweet, since I enjoy wealthy people making fools of themselves because they think they're being impressive.

So, I'm curious to know what y'all think: What's a rich person "flex" that really is not the flex they think it is?

Maybe you had a coworker who bragged about how he was able to land his job right after college, even though his mom owned part of the company and created the position for him.

Did you find it revolting that your rich ex treated laws like fees and simply threw cash at parking tickets, speeding violations, and even car accidents to make the problem go away?

Perhaps you were at a dinner with someone who was extremely wealthy and he refused to leave the waiter a tip because the food wasn't coming out as fast as he'd like, and he thought it was cool to keep the waiter "in check."

Maybe you used to clean expensive homes for rich bachelors as a living, and you learned living in a mansion isn't so great after all — they didn't spend much time in it, the place was so big they literally needed professional cleaning services to help maintain it, and they had to pay six figures in property taxes.

Or perhaps you had rich friends growing up who bragged that their "parents are paying for it," but now that you're older, you've seen how they struggle to operate independently.

Share those rich people flexes that you're not at all impressed by in the comments — or through this anonymous Google form if you prefer to be private. You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post if you do.