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    Patience Is A Virture

    Some simple (and hopefully helpful) ways to help you be a more patient person

    Imma start this post by saying that on a whim I decided to start learning French. I know, completely out of the blue. So I'm currently learning two languages (I'm gonna try to tie this in I promise). Now, if you thought that learning one language was hard, try two. And I'm not trying to toot my own horn, and I know it's completely my fault, but it's still fun to try to learn a third language. Idk why, but I'm having fun.

    Ok, so I told you I was gonna tie this in. Believe it or not, learning a language takes time. A lot of time. And patience (oh so much patience). Neither of those things, time or patience, are good skills that I have. Really ever. And so learning a language takes a lot out of me. So if you haven't guessed yet, I've decided to make this post about patience. Imma try to give y'all some tips on being patient. Not because I'm all high and mighty and I know everything, but because these are some things that have helped me to be more patient.

    1. Distract Yourself

    Now here you may be thinking, "that's hard" or "how am I supposed to do that?". I didn't say it was gonna be easy. But let me tell you, this helps. Watch a video, do some homework (ugh I know), or literally even take a nap. Do something that'll take your mind off of thinking about whatever it is you're waiting for. Even if it's just for a little bit, a little distraction is better than no distraction.

    2. Make a List

    Be it a physical or a mental list, put down all of the possibilities for the situation. List all of them. Even the extremes. Then, go through the list and think about each possibility individually. Think, "How likely is this to happen?" and "What would happen next if this were the outcome?". Again, I didn't say this would be easy, but it does help you see and prepare for all of the different things that may happen. Feeling prepared always makes me feel more in control of the situation.

    3. Talk About It

    This one might be the hardest one on here. But it also is probably the most helpful. Find someone that you trust. (Or if you can't find anyone, have an out-loud conversation with yourself. I know that sounds dumb, but it's helpful.) Talk through all of your thoughts about the thing you're waiting for. Then, give them a chance to tell you what they think about the situation. (Or, if you're talking to yourself, consider the other side of things.) This gives you an opportunity to consider more sides to it, and helps you think more clearly as you have to explain what you're thinking in a way that someone else can understand.

    Hopefully these can help y'all out. I know there's only three, but they help me. Patience is a virtue, one which I do not possess. But c'est la vie. Hopefully y'all are more successful at being patient than I am. But remember, if you do need anything, I'm here for y'all.