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    These Life Hacks Will Get You Through This Disgustingly Hot Summer

    Ugh. Don't make me go out there.

    1. Does the AC unit above drip onto your AC, keeping you up all night?

    2. Bitten by mosquitoes?

    3. Don't have an air conditioner?

    4. A less fussy method:

    5. Make a soda slushy with self-freezing soda.

    6. Here's how to make an ice cozy for a giant bottle of vodka.

    7. Protect your dog's paws with toddler socks.

    8. Playing night volleyball at the beach?

    9. When shopping for a bathing suit, make sure that the fabric is tight in the butt area.

    10. On vacation but still working?

    11. Put your office mug in the freezer when you get in.

    12. If you need extra space for beer, fill a pool raft with ice.

    13. If you've got a horribly embarrassing sunburn, fill an ice cube tray with vinegar and rub the ice cubes onto the affected areas.

    14. Your favorite white wine was found in the UNREFRIGERATED area of the store.

    15. Cut your watermelon like this.

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