23 Signs You Should Just Hibernate For The Rest Of The Winter

    Wake me up in April.

    1. Any part of your body that isn't covered feels like knife blades slicing into your skin when you walk outside.

    2. If dry skin were gold, you'd be the King Midas of winter.

    3. Your everyday life basically feels like prison.

    4. No matter how much blanket rolling and tucking you do, it's still freezing in your house.

    5. You're terminally jealous of people who actually find layering to be "fun and cute" as opposed to cumbersome.

    6. You consider this to be the scariest horror film ever made.

    7. Speaking of horror movies, you get the worst nosebleeds.

    8. The nose issues alone are enough to annihilate your will to live.

    9. The first step you take when leaving the house looks like this.

    10. Ironically, the heat in your car never seems to kick in until you're already at your destination.

    11. Instead of finding the whimsy in bird tracks left in the snow, you consider it to be more of an omen.

    12. Whenever your partner's cold, bloodless feet accidentally touch you, it makes you want to scream.

    13. Christmas is over and you have nothing else to live for.

    14. The mice have taken over.

    15. Your favorite outdoor activity is going back inside.

    16. Vision, your most prized of the human senses, is frequently compromised.

    17. There is absolutely nothing and no one that is worth getting out of bed and putting on pants for.

    18. You wonder if maybe global warming is a good thing.

    19. Considering the amount of alcohol you drink during the winter to cope, you may as well just be in a coma.

    20. You've managed to store an ample amount of fat and blubber on your bones.

    21. There isn't really much going on in your life anyway.

    22. All the good TV will be back on the air when you finally wake up.

    23. You're just about ready to start complaining about how hot it is.