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    29 Insanely Cool Ear Piercing Ideas That'll Have You Rolling Up To Claire's ASAP

    The ear upgrade you never knew you needed.

    1. Tragus + Double Flat

    2. Quadruple Piercing + Daith

    3. The Double Piercing

    4. The Daith Hoop

    5. The Daith Hoop + Forward Helix

    6. Opal and Gold Multi-Piercing

    7. Semi-Dangly Earrings Combo

    8. The Inner and Outer Conch

    9. The Double Helix + Lobe

    10. The Tragus + Triple Lobe

    11. The Tragus + Quadruple Lobe

    12. The Tiny Flat

    13. Behind the Ear

    14. The Helix + Forward Helix

    15. The Triple Forward Helix

    16. The Double Helix + Triple Forward Helix + Double Lobe Piercing

    17. The Daith + Helix

    18. The Conch Wrap-Around

    19. The Low Helix + Rook

    20. The Forward Helix + Anti-Tragus

    21. The Auricle Piercing

    22. The Rook + Tragus Piercing

    23. The Helix/Scapha Piercing

    24. The Snug

    25. The Conch

    26. Graduated Lobe Piercings

    27. Rook + Tragus + Snug

    28. Tiny Double Lobe