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    I Swear By These 8 Board Games For Family And Group Settings

    Put away those Cards Against Humanity box and try something new for once in your life, will ya?

    My old millennial ass truly believes that board games are the only fun thing left in life.

    I feel so old. I just got excited at buying new kitchen knives...

    Maybe it's just because I'm secretly competitive, or maybe it's because I'm incapable of making conversation without some kind of social prop.

    Or maybe because board games are objectively the one social activity capable of bringing people together for an inevitably fun time! I'm beginning to think it might be the latter.

    If you're reading this post, you probably don't need much convincing about the national treasure that is board games, but as the selection gets bigger and bigger, it becomes harder to parse out which ones are actually worth buying and playing.

    Board games that fall under the "actually enjoyable" category are usually discovered by word of mouth and IRL playing them at a friend or family member's house. So here it is! Words from my mouth.

    1. The Chameleon (a bluffing game)

    2. 5 Second Rule (a word game)

    3. Hella '90s and Trivial Pursuit: '90s Edition (trivia games)

    4. Telestrations Party Pack (a drawing game)

    5. No Thanks (a card game)

    6. I Dissent (a game of unpopular opinions)

    7. True Colors (a game you have to play with people you know)

    8. Quiplash (NOT a board game, but easily accessible on your phone, laptop, or video game console)

    What unexpectedly fun board games do you swear by and why?

    Let me know in the comments! I need some new games.