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    33 Awesome Marriage Proposals You Couldn't Say No To

    Time to start dropping all the hints.

    1. With a dog.

    Just make sure the dog doesn't eat the ring or you'll have a poop-laden proposal.

    2. Or a kitten.

    3. In a photo booth.

    4. Carved in a tree.

    5. On Christmas Day.

    6. Hidden inside the Snitch.

    7. In your morning coffee.

    8. With dessert.

    9. Hidden inside of a valentine.

    10. On the beach.

    11. During a Scrabble game.

    12. With a hidden photographer.

    13. Level-up bonus: keeping it a secret and surprising you with a framed photo of the moment on your wedding day.

    14. With a book.

    As long as you don't think anyone willing to perform open heart surgery on a book is an absolute monster.

    15. Or a trail of books.

    16. In a Cracker Jack box at the big game.

    17. Just like Mario would propose to Peach.

    18. At Disneyland.

    The perfect beginning for "happily ever after."

    19. With a fake-out.

    20. Spelled out with every ticket stub of every movie you went to together.

    21. With a s'more.

    22. With a love letter (and the option to pick out your own ring!).

    23. With a scavenger hunt.

    Make 'em work for it.

    24. With a handpicked array of rings.

    25. With a super simple and sweet message.

    You can either go the straightforward or the totally geeky route.

    26. With an initial necklace, only the last name isn't yours....

    It's theirs.

    27. With a real-life Monopoly game.

    28. The marriage proposal version of this refrigerator.

    29. While running a mundane errand.

    30. At the finish line.

    31. Underwater.

    Thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no.

    32. With a pebble and some waddling, like penguin love.

    33. With a very, very enthusiastic reaction after you say yes.