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17 Unexpected Studying Hacks

So no matter how hard you try, you're still having trouble studying. Here are some helpful tips that will train your brain into retaining information better.

1. Spray an unfamiliar scent while you're studying.

2. A weird kind of gum works too.

3. Before taking a test, write down all the relevant information you can think of on an index card, as though it were a piece of paper you were allowed to bring with you.

4. When listening back to hours of recorded lectures, put on an instrumental Pandora station very low in the background.

5. Leave yourself a gummy bear trail when reading.

6. Write down all your formulas at the beginning of the test.

7. When crunched for time, listen to recorded lectures at double the speed.

8. If you're dyslexic, there's a special font called Dyslexie that could help you read more easily.

9. And if you're not dyslexic, Times New Roman is the fastest font to read.

10. Use a program to block distracting sites on your computer for a set period of time..

11. For history and anthropology classes, watch a documentary on the topic.

12. Take better notes by pretending you're taking them for someone else.

13. While studying, do a short review session at each 20 minute interval of the newly learned material.

14. Google "site:edu [subject] exam" to find many different college exams featuring problems pertaining to that subject.

15. Try an online interactive flash card site like Quizlet.

16. Take notes using different colored pens.

17. Take breaks every 25 minutes.

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