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11 GIFs That Describe How You Feel The Day After Your Office Holiday Party

You laughed, you bonded, you had a couple of drinks…and now you’re back in the office pretending nothing happened. At least you know the secret to rehydration (Pedialyte).

1. This cat who went to bed wayyy too late:

2. This dog who's just a liiittle bit tired:

3. This cat who was the first one on the dance floor just hours ago:


5. This cat who would really rather not with today:

6. This cat who, believe it or not, rocked the karaoke machine:

7. This person whose reflexes are a mile behind where they should be:

8. This person who's projecting confidence to make up for a deep inner fear that he embarrassed himself last night:

9. This dog who everyone agreed was the life of the party:

10. This person who has decided to wait out the embarrassment in hiding:

11. And this hamster who simply cannot even:

You can do this! But rehydration is key. Find Pedialyte in the baby aisle.