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    What They Don't Tell You About Depression

    This is an article about my perspective of depression.

    It's real and it affects many.

    Depression is very broad and what I mean by that is many are affected, but in different ways. No one person has the same experience. I can only speak for myself so I will tell you how I feel.

    I ended up on academic probation one time at school and that was a wake up call for me to get some help. My father suggested talking to someone about it and why I possibly couldn't do well at school. I saw a therapist and we got down to the final possibilities: depression, anxiety, and even a learning disability,

    (though that has not yet been confirmed).

    At times I feel very low and my mind tells me to forget everything in life. I ask myself at times, how could I see myself with such an amazing future and career, but then I sabotage myself in life?

    Well the answer to that is acute depression. I don't want to do anything good for myself, I don't want to get out of my "funk", and all I want is for it all to be over. Even though I myself haven't had suicidal thoughts, I have thought about what life would be like if I wasn't here.

    I choose to not take meds, but instead I journal, I write, I listen to music, I watch funny videos or my favorite shows. Anything I can think of to get out of this "funk" and inspire myself to get out of it.

    I don't want to let this take over me and I choose to be above it when I can. It's hard and you don't always want to share this with people or feel judged, but I'm here to tell you that you are not alone and I will make more posts about this in hopes to help and inspire many.

    If you also feel like this you can email me at