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12 Hacks For The Gift-Wrapping Impaired

Not great at wrapping gifts? No worries, these creative tips will turn anyone into a pro, even if they're short on wrapping materials. Celebrate every #PatronWorthy moment with the best holiday soundtrack, brought to you by Patrón.

1. First things first, get ready to get creative with what you have on hand.

2. Use your imagination to create beauty from everyday objects.

3. When in doubt, pile on the ribbon.

No one ever complained about getting too much ribbon on a gift. If you don't know how to curl ribbon, get the step-by-step instructions here.

4. A little sprig goes a long way.

Dress up plain brown paper packaging with a little sprig of pine from your Christmas tree. Just clip it from the part of the tree that faces the wall. No one will ever know!

5. Wrap odd-shaped gifts with cloth, and tell people it's a Japanese tradition called Furoshiki.

Because it is! Get the step-by-step instructions on how to make your presents look great, and give your friends a cool piece of cloth in the process with Furoshiki gift wrap here.

6. Or put those old driving maps to work for once.

Chances are they're just collecting dust in your glove compartment; why not use them for a unique wrapping paper in a pinch?

7. Raid the free weeklies on the corner for an easy eco-friendly gift wrap option.

Just make sure that you leave the scandalous headlines facing inward.

8. Use chalk on matte black paper for a sophisticated handmade look.

Find a simple tip on how to make your handwriting look like fancy calligraphy here.

9. Decorate packages with cutouts from magazines, junk mail, or even food packaging.

Get some more inspiration for fun upcycled wrapping here.

10. Wrap chip tubes and reuse as easy tins for cookies.

Get the full set of instructions from Holly at A Baker's House.

11. Cut wrapping paper scraps into ribbons to wrap around gifts for an ornamental look.

12. If you really can't deal with any of the above, go with a gift card...

...and you can never go wrong with an easy-to-wrap bottle of Patrón!

Press play on the #PatronWorthy Wrap Music Spotify playlist to keep the gift wrapping process oh so festive.