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13 Dance Moves For Every Holiday Scenario

Don't have a signature move? We've got you covered. Celebrate this year's #PatronWorthy moments the right way with Patrón and your dance pants.

1. The "Post-Dinner Second Wind"

2. The "Running Into Your Old Flame at the Bar"

3. The "I Got the Exact Gift I Was Hoping to Get"

4. The "Hooray, Everything's on Sale"

5. The "Here Comes Dessert"

6. The "No One's in the Office, Let's Blast Some Tunes"

7. The "No, Grandma, I Haven't Found Someone to Marry Yet"

8. The "We Look More Stylish Than Everyone at This Party"

9. The "I've Caught Up on All My TV Shows"

10. The "I've Been Working Out All Year, Have You Noticed?"

11. The "Whole Squad Just Walked In"

12. The "Roommates Are on Vacation"

13. And the "Should've Checked the Forecast This Morning"

From EDM to hip-hop, this #PatronWorthy Holiday House Party playlist will make any party as fresh as your dance moves, no matter the occasion.