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    This Stunning Photo Series Celebrates Natural Hair In The Coolest Way And It's Empowering

    Baroque, but make it black.

    This is Zoi. She and a bunch of equally fly kids were photographed for AfroArt, a stunning photo series shot and styled by Kahran and Regis Bethencourt of CreativeSoul Photography. The husband and wife duo have a reputation for capturing adorable images that go viral.

    “We loved the idea of contrasting modern Afro hairstyles with the styling and clothing from other periods, like Baroque and Steampunk," the couple told BuzzFeed. "It's something unexpected and out-of-the-box from the usual imagery seen during those eras.”

    The shoots were held in several states, including New York, California, and Texas. This life-giving pic is from the "AfroEarth" shoot in Oakland.

    And this dreamy one's from their "London Bridge" shoot in Atlanta.

    Instead of limiting the project to professional models, Kahran and Regis opened the project up to everyone. The series includes a refreshing mix of both working child models and first-timers, like Kheris here.

    According to Kahran and Regis, the kids were so excited about their new transformations that many of them asked to wear the styles home. "We were able to inspire kids who are often overlooked and needed these sessions to feel more confident about themselves," the duo said.

    Prints from the AfroArt series and a 2018 calendar are currently available at the CreativeSoul Photography website. Kahran and Regis also plan to release a coffee table book once they've shot a few more themes early next year.

    All I know is, somebody better get Tyra on the phone because we've found America's Next Top Models!!!