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People, Including Constance Wu, Are Loving This "Crazy Rich Asians" Dress A Mom Made For Her Daughter

"'Mom! Look! It's my dress! It's Constance Wu!'" — Olivia, 5.

Here we have two of Miami's finest fashionistas: Ha Truong and her 5-year-old daughter Olivia.

Ha was watching the Crazy Rich Asians trailer when she spotted the iconic blue Marchesa dress worn by the film's star Constance Wu.

Two hours and eight yards of tulle later, the crafty mom had an impressive replica ready for Olivia. "I've always loved making costumes for her and I knew she would love this one," Ha said.

Olivia knew she loved her beautiful new dress, but what she didn't know was that a movie star had worn one just like it. "When she saw the Crazy Rich Asians trailer of Constance Wu wearing it, she screamed 'Mom! Look! It's my dress! It's Constance Wu!'"

But wait, it gets even better! A week later, Ha received a DM from none other than Constance Wu herself, asking if she could repost the Instagram photo of Olivia and an accompanying video in which the young queen quotes the actress: "Immigrant stories are stories of dreams, of love, of sacrifice, of courage, of honor."

This experience has literally stuck with young Olivia, who now recites Constance's "immigrant stories" quotation to her mother at random. "And proudly at that!" Ha added. "I'd like to think this whole experience gave her a spark. A ripple effect."


Want more Constance Wu? See her and the whole "Crazy Rich Asians" cast take this BuzzFeed quiz!

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