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    This Student Launched A Line Of Pro-Black Sweatshirts And They Sold Out In Less Than 24 Hours

    Them: "WHO SAID THAT?!?" Olatiwa: Me.

    Tired of hearing folks complain about having to visit their racist relatives over the holidays, 19-year-old designer Olatiwa Karade made this sweatshirt:

    "People are like, ‘Yeah, I have to go home for Thanksgiving with all my racist uncles and aunts, and I can’t even believe I have to sit at a table with them,'" Olatiwa told BuzzFeed. "But it’s like, ‘Okay, you’re not going to say anything to them, so why are you telling me?’"

    Olatiwa sells this and other hella real sweatshirts in her Etsy shop Splendid Rain Co, which the college sophomore launched on Thanksgiving night as a way to "make some extra money at home." To Olatiwa's surprise, all 100 of the available sweatshirts sold out in less than 24 hours after opening.

    Some of the sweatshirts are 100% actual factual, because, no, Africa is NOT a country...

    ...and, yes, ya'll's Founding Fathers DID own slaves.

    And then you've got the sweatshirts that are just straight up FUBU...

    Case in point:

    "Everybody else is getting so bold, you know? Like we have Klan resurgences, Nazis becoming more prominent," Olatiwa said. "We’re on the other side and people keep trying to just tell us to sit down and shut up, so I felt like it was time to do something more bold."

    Each sweatshirt is made to order and hand-pressed by Olatiwa herself. The young entrepreneur has already sold more than 800 sweatshirts and has plans to launch a T-shirt line around the time of Black History Month, with some of the proceeds going towards a fund for ancestry testing for "black-identifying people."