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    What's Going On

    When life happens..

    A little on me..

    Like hundreds of you users out there, like me, I bet you don't know what you want to do with your life. Career wise, I've always jumped from one path to the next. First, fashion designer. Then, anesthesiologist. Lastly, English teacher. I finally, about two years ago, was able to decide on anesthesiologist: until now. I found myself sitting in chemistry class, totally day dreaming. I asked myself, "Is this really what I want for the rest of my life?" Since then, I've been heavily considering a career in writing or becoming an English teacher. I will be finishing my last semester of my two year institution in the Spring, so I do have some time.

    Until I figure it out, I'll remain the same caffeine addict, social media & fashion obsessed, foodie that I am right now, as I sit in my kitchen watching my sister devour an entire box of Krispy Kreme donuts.