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27 Thoughts That Will Cheer You Up When You're Sick

There's nothing worse than feeling congested. #StopMessingAbout — ease your symptoms with Otrivine® Congestion Relief.

1. When a rabbit is happy it does a spontaneous hop…

2. When polled, most people say that this is their favourite GIF*:

3. A sneeze leaves your body at 100mph.

4. Otters have a a special pocket in their skin where they store their favourite trinkets.

5. This gif.

6. Penguins are ticklish.

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7. Like fingerprints, no two tongue prints are the same.

8. That this happened one day:

9. Parrots name their babies.

10. A cow's favourite song is probably "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.

11. Window cleaners working at children's hospitals often dress up as superheroes.

12. A bunch of kittens is called a "kindle".

13. A group of pugs is called a "grumble".

14. Ducks will chase a laser pointer.

15. When play fighting, despite having the strength advantage, male puppies let female puppies win.

16. This is the face of a leopard tasting Marmite for the first time:

17. You get a new nose each month (sort of).

18. The smell of olives has a euphoric effect on cats.

19. Ravens and wolves not only hunt together, they enjoy hanging out socially.

20. Welsh fairytales state that instead of horses, fairies ride corgis.

21. That feeding time with Johnny once happened (turn up the sound for this one).

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22. Baby pandas just don't look like they're real animals.

23. This super-helpful tip:

Toptip: Googley eyes stuck to the back end of a dog makes a realistic miniature woolly mammoth:

24. Twins often have the same dreams.

25. This is a penguin cam. It's used to infiltrate penguin colonies.

26. The time Darth Vader went to Disneyland.

27. That animals can sneeze too.

Being safe in the knowledge that Kenneth doesn't work in your office.

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#StopMessingAbout and ease your symptoms with Otrivine® Congestion Relief.