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10 Facts About Mouths That Will Make You Squirm

Your mouth can be a little ick. Clean it up with Orbit Gum.

1. Every kiss swaps up to five million bacteria.

2. The record for the most teeth ever present in one adult mouth at one time is 35.

3. When you sleep, saliva production nearly halts, which causes gross morning breath.

4. There are 100 million individual bacteria in a milliliter of spit...

5. ...and more than 600 different species.

6. Your salivary glands can make up to two liters of saliva per day.

7. The longest string to be inserted in the nose and pulled out of the mouth in under a minute is 255' 2" long.

8. A chemical in cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts makes them taste bitter.

9. A man in the U.K. holds the record for the most oysters eaten in three minutes.

10. Chemicals in your spit can indicate how good you are at monogamous relationships.

Chewing sugar-free Orbit gum for 20 minutes after meals and snacks has been proven to help protect your teeth.

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