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13 Things We Wish Would Make A Comeback

Why did they ever go away?

1. Mixtapes.

2. Foldable scooters.

3. The polite wave to a stranger.

4. Phones that don't break when you drop them.

5. Double denim.

6. '90s boy bands (with their ORIGINAL members).

7. While we're at it, let's bring back those sweet dance moves too.

8. Drive-in cinemas.

9. Temporary tattoos.

10. Slap bracelets.

11. Handwritten letters actually written by HAND.

12. Afternoon naps.

13. Hypercolour T-shirts.

It's time to bring back all the things we used to love. Like Oporto's Original Chilli Sauce, which is now back and here to stay!

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