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    11 Things Only The Youngest Will Relate To About Their Sibling Going To College

    How many college tours did you go on?

    1. The long college tours

    2. Two words-dorm shopping

    3. When all anyone talks about is your brother or sister going away...

    4. To the point where you will do anything for attention.

    5. When your parents cut back on spending if they are paying for your sibling's college or some of it

    6. The moment when you feel like no one cares about you or your accomplishments anymore

    7. When your sibling doesn't get into their dream school and cries...

    8. Or if they do get in.

    9. When your sibling FINALLY leaves...

    10. But then you realize you are alone with your parents and miss your sibling

    11. But then your brother or sister comes back to visit and you want them to leave again