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    This Boy Cheated On His Physics Test In The Prettiest Way Possible

    We don't condone it, but wow.

    This is Andrew. He is a high school student in Spain.

    He needed a little help with physics. But he had an idea. A "unreal" cheat sheet.

    las chuletas para el exámen de física van a ser irreales

    He decided to take matters into his own hands, literally.

    todo el espacio que tengo bajo las uñas lo voy a cubrir con pequeños papelitos con fórmulas escritas

    He was going to write the formulas on tiny pieces of paper and put them...

    Under his beautifully manicured nails. And now it's gone viral.

    con la impresora me caben unas tres fórmulas por uña

    His tweet has gained over 70,000 retweets and almost 200,000 likes.

    Now, he's trying to learn how to deal with internet fame.

    He's doing a great job of shutting down the haters.

    if i had a shot for every time someone mistook me as a girl id still be drunk by tommorow boys can have nice nails too so sTOP GENDER ROLES


    Well, his fame came at a price.

    guess who went viral pero suspenderá igualmente

    He still failed.

    Andrew, good luck with the internet.

    ✨cavesa👸alta🔝somrisa 😊intakta✨