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    The Redline Report: Automotive Spirit Animals

    Car manufacturers often look to the furry, scaly creatures that roam the Earth for design inspiration. The Dodge Viper, Lancia Hyena, Volkswagen Beetle, and Ford Mustang are only a few examples of this method being played out. Jaguar even goes so as far to emulate the characteristics of a species when it comes to what it puts under the hood, incorporating speed, agility and stealth to do the jaguar justice. Whether these manufacturers have purposefully or unintentionally done so (most of these are unintentional), many of their cars have distinct animalistic doppelgangers. Here's a list of the more notable automotive spirit animals! *Disclaimer: extreme sarcasm lies ahead*

    1. BMW i3 | panda

    2. Plymouth Prowler | Horned Beetle

    3. Pontiac Aztec | Mr. Scroop from Treasure Planet

    4. Fiat Multipla | Goblin Shark

    5. 1975 Jaguar XKE | Pufferfish

    6. Lotus Elise | Jumping Spider

    7. Porsche Boxster | Frog

    8. Toyota Prius | Hairless Siamese Cat

    9. (Honorable Mentions That Don't Have To Do With Animals): The Fisker Karma and its Mustache

    10. (Honorable Mentions That Don't Have To Do With Animals cont.): Jeremy Clarkson's Impression of the Morgan Aero 8