18 Things That Happen When You Stay With Your Parents

    Yes, you love them but for the love of god, mum, please stop asking me what I want for dinner.

    1. There will be a tiny pile of paper cuttings waiting for you on your old bed when you arrive that your mum has been saving up.

    2. You’ll be asked for a blow-by-blow of your romantic life.

    3. Shortly before getting into an argument with your dad about what to watch on television.

    4. You’ll spend several hours trying to explain how WhatsApp works.

    5. Next on the menu is setting up their brand new Alexa.

    6. An afternoon will be dedicated to explaining to them what your job is.

    7. Stay long enough and you’ll get the full low down on everything everyone you’ve ever known is doing now.

    8. You might think about sneaking a trip out to your old local.

    9. Your mum will cook you a meal bigger than everything else you've eaten that week combined.

    10. Without even noticing it you’ll slip back into being a teenager.

    11. Maybe you’ll even get them to do some of your laundry while you’re here…

    12. You’ll get into one of those very grown up arguments over who is going to pay for something.

    13. A phone will ring in the distance and you’ll wonder why it has such a weird ringtone.

    14. Your mum will offer you a selection of gifts she’s picked up for you at TKMaxx.

    15. At one point your dad will earnestly pull you to one side and tell you about a new band he's discovered.

    16. Someone will suggest a nice game of Monopoly…

    17. But you’ll also have some amazing bonding moments.

    18. And you’ll get back home and wonder how on earth you’ll live up to your parent's cooking.