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World's Youngest Nation: South Sudan !

July 08, 2011 (by me, Creative Commons) One more day to go before Southern Sudan officially becomes a new nation. On the eve of South Sudan's independence, the Security Council today voted unanimously to set up a new United Nations mission to help Africa's newest nation consolidate peace and lay the foundation for longer-term state-building, conflict prevention and economic development. It will establish a UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for one year. The peacekeeping mission will consist of up to 7,000 military personnel and up to 900 civilian police personnel as well as a civilian component. Southern Sudan which is dominated by black Africans has struggled for years under the genocide and discrimination by the north, dominated by an Arab population. The South is dominated by a wide range of ethnic groups believing in Christianity or Animism while the north is dominated by a mostly homogeneous Muslim population. There are also demographic differences. While the south has green savannas and even forests, the north is dominated by hot deserts even near the Nile river. In a referendum for independence in January 2011, overwhelming 98.83% voted for secession. However, the north continues attacks at the South over the oil-rich border region Abyei. Yesterday, the southern division of the National Congress (NCP), the dominating party in the north decided to split and unite with the dominating party in the South, the Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M). There are concerns about future politics in the new nation because politics have been dominated by one ethnic group in particular: The Dinka people. The future will show whether all ethnic groups will be represented in the new state. Southern Sudan will formally declare its independence from the north on Saturday 9 July 2011, creating the Africa's and the world's newest nation.

Emu 12 years ago

GOP Holding California Hostage!

California Democrats have desperately tried to pass a bill that would put a proposition on the ballot that allows for tax increases to reduce our deficit. 2/3 of the State legislature are required to send the proposal to the ballot. That translates to 2 Republicans in the Assembly and 2 Repubs in the State Senate. Guess what, they vote NO. So, let me be clear here. They vote against the citizen's right to decide whether taxes should be increased or not. They are NOT even giving taxpayers a chance to vote for higher taxes!!

Emu 12 years ago

Facesitting for Peace

Either this guy is serious or a genius horny freak.

Emu 13 years ago

Stunning Microsoft Home of the Future (Photos)

You might not be able to swing by the campus and visit, but you can catch a glimpse of suburban life in 2025 -- populated by touchscreen wireless charging trays and interactive walls. Photos by Microsoft Thanks to Shane O'Neill In case you think that they are photoshopped, watch the future home in action:

Emu 13 years ago

Oh No They Didn't!

Very Creative Advertising by Tampax. He he

Emu 13 years ago

A New Game for Girls.

Apparently this is a new game that girls play. WTF, seriously? Where's the fun in that.

Emu 13 years ago