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17 Ways Outdoorsy People Survive The City

The city is a challenge if you've got an open-air spirit. This summer, take a break from the smog, pack your OFF! Mosquito Repellent, and get to the real outdoors!

1. They fight for their right to bike...

...and to scoot...

...and to (jay)walk.

Walkers have very obvious lanes, but no one cares.

2. They use backpacks instead of briefcases.

Because every day's a hike.

3. In the summer, they gravitate toward shorelines...

4. ...and fountains.

5. They wait all week to buy their groceries at the farmers market.

No matter the lines.

6. They ask, "Is there a rooftop?" in every building they enter.

They look confused when you say, "I never really checked!"

7. They treat their fire escapes like glorious outdoor decks.

8. And they build entire gardens in their windowsills.

9. They listen to "nature sounds" all day long...

...or as far as their headphones reach.

10. They have a list of places where they know there is outdoor seating.

It's a short list, but it's valuable.

11. They refuse to move into an apartment unless it has direct sunlight.

12. They only book conference rooms with windows.

And they'll go to great lengths to do so.

13. They know which pockets of the city allow for great moon viewing.

14. When it comes to wildlife, they use their imaginations.

15. And in terms of forestry, they appreciate the small wins.

16. They fill their apartment with subtle hints of what they actually want to be doing.

They hope it spurs a spontaneous road trip from their friends.

17. And if they have to take a cab, they ask for the scenic route out of the city.

[Rolls down window, breathes in exhaust]

Now go on and get some fresh air! The Outdoors Misses You!